Liquorice, peppermint and fennel are my favourites, either on their own or together in one big pot. Penelope teas used to be for sale in the DJ food hall. Woollies sells some UK-made liquorice tea, as well as cinnamon and 'energize'. There's also the Sleepy Tea varieties from the US, incl one with vanilla. Not that keen myself on their Bengali Spice but I should try it with some Stevia. I've got several green tea mixes but I only drink that because it's supposed to be good for you, e.g. with jasmine. Can't do without my teas!
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I only drink 2 kind of teas, the tetley english breakfast tea with a slice of lemon or orange and a Christmas tea bought in a small shop here. I don't like green tea, too bitter for me, and don't like fruit teas, too chemicals. What I am picky ?

Just a note - liquorice isnt good for anyone with high bloodpressure

@Manderly I cannot bear ordinary green tea, but green tea with lemon is a whole different beast. Really, its very different. Much smoother with none of that mouth drying effect.

Mint tea is lovely!
My daughter and her boyfriend went to Peru where they trekked Macchu Pichu and other peaks. Other than the coca tea (for altitude sickness), they drank mint tea almost exclusively. Every meal ended with mint tea which, they were told, would help with digestion of the meal (slows at altitude, evidently). There, it was brewed from fresh mint leaves. My daughter has tended to suffer from stomach problems, and the mint tea seems to alleviate the problems. When I was younger (and really stressed), I suffered from IBS. Mint or peppermint (even candies) always helped me. Now, I'm retired and rarely stressed!
But, if I ever get the beginnings of that upset stomach feeling, I have mint tea or peppermint and everything relaxes.
My daughter and her boyfriend went to Peru where they trekked Macchu Pichu and other peaks. Other than the coca tea (for altitude sickness), they drank mint tea almost exclusively. Every meal ended with mint tea which, they were told, would help with digestion of the meal (slows at altitude, evidently). There, it was brewed from fresh mint leaves. My daughter has tended to suffer from stomach problems, and the mint tea seems to alleviate the problems. When I was younger (and really stressed), I suffered from IBS. Mint or peppermint (even candies) always helped me. Now, I'm retired and rarely stressed!

I second the mint tea. also like constant comment

When I was in England three years ago, I had Twinings mixed berry tea - strawberry, cherry, raspberry & red currant flavors - yum! I also love the black currant tea by Harney & sons. But, there is nothing like a good strong cup of English Afternoon tea with cream - but I do drink it black on fast days...

Thanks,@Winsome I'll give it one more try with lemon this time but I need to find the equivalent of English back tea, without any added flavor. In fact, I need my tea to be like my coffee, in a way. I know, I am weird

I love green tea. A good quality green tea is tasty, the cheap ones taste nasty in my mind, i drink a brand called NOOD. also twinnings green tea with orange and lotus flower is so tasty, and clippers green tea with peppermint and nettle.
Id suggest but a varity pack in a shop, then you can try out a few and figure out what you like.
Id suggest but a varity pack in a shop, then you can try out a few and figure out what you like.

No lotus, no flower, no mint and no lemon except the slice I put on. I need to find a classic neutral green tea, a bit like the "pure tetley" you have in the UK. Here, the big brand is "Lipton", unfortunately...

Thanks for all the amazing ideas. I tried green tea but I get a sore belly soon after? I tried the cinnamon rooibos tea and love it. It kinda feels like you've had something more substantial than just 'water'.
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