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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Alien abduction :-)
Alien abduction...I'm in a metal tube, hurtling towards a city of aliens, my fingers keep missing the keyboard...aarrggh!
Good to hear back from you. Just a thought if you are too efficient with cutting out carbs you do get very exhausted like tired to your bones. The trick is finding the balance. All the best
Gillymary vegies are carbs :-) so I get plenty.
Agree some vegs have carbs but others very light on corb content. All the best with re energising anyway as it is a bummer to be exhausted. Our finding what is our balance is the holy grail though,IMO. Caroees has a great link on Lilsmiler's current thread which discusses IF and exhaustion might be something in there for you. Great to have you back :smile:
Well done on you 2 successful fasts GMH. Woo hoo! Go GMH! ( waving pom POM's)
Xxx julianna
I have had a ME major relapse, I think I might be allergic to big shops. Hqving to take taxis everywhere as I can`t see properly,brain fog really bad, really irritable. Have hospital appt tomorrow with breast care nurse to be fitted for a prothesis, Will need a taxi and wheelchair. After that i have dental appt on Thursday. Otherwise I`m staying at home, near the loo! Got appt with dr in couple of weeks for test results so will discuss it with her then.I hope to be better by Xmas, but if not others can take the strain. At least I won`t be by myself!I still want to post this computer despite the fact that you want me to review it. Why does it keep doing that to me?
It was stress that did it, hadn't fasted for about a month and I feel ok when I fast usually. And i'd been scoffing choc brownies. Interestingly that Dr William Davis (cardiologist) who wrote wheat belly says no carbs..apart from vegies and only low gi..his patients are now diabetes free and heart disease free. Same as Dr Agiston (sp) the cardiologist who came up with south beach, tho he allows some grains after first 2 weeks. I've done it, but it feels lie punishment, so i couldn't maintain it. Hic, here's to red carbs :-)
This looks familiar..... I found that when I let carbs back in it really impacted on my way of thinking, my motivation, energy, drive, focus etc etc etc... I don't know what I was thinking really because I knew how my body would respond to them, I suppose I became addicted again (or abducted by aliens!!!!) . It's taken me ages to wean back off them but now that I have the cravings are gone and my appetite is a bit more under control. I'm feeling mentally much more stable as well and the fasts are becoming a WOL again.
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