OK here goes. My journey on 5:2 has been very interesting, since I started 8 months ago. First a background to my eating b4 fasting: I was into low GI carbs, never ate pasta, rice, spuds only if I was stuck in a situation out where the only vego option was chips, rarely had bread in the house, though ate wheat based lunches, rarely ate fruit, mostly Raspberries and the odd Mango. I would eat something sweet most days, even if just a protein bar and my main carb intake was low GI vegies and red wine! Hadn't eaten butter (or marg) for years, used Olive Oil liberally, used avocado & egg based mayo too. I was putting on about 1kg a year. I went to the gym 3x a week, plus walk dogs for a living. Fairly healthy lifestyle all in all. I was just into the overweight BMI range. Then I started fasting.
I quickly discovered I could eat all of, those things that I had cut out and lose weight by cutting my cals to 500 on 3 days a week. So I went to town, after all those years of denying myself. I lost 9kg, friends were telling me I was 'so skinny' and then it was maintenance time. At first I was Ok but I quickly slipped and have gained 2kg, but have maintained my bad eating ways I picked up in my fasting months. Had my bloods dne, sugar higher, total cholesterol higher 7.2 but hdl 3.6 or something, BP is all over the place. So now I am finding it difficult to fast and need to get back into my old way of eating! And I mean hefore fasting. I also need to try to fast again, tho I seem to have lost the willpower to be hungry Sadly if nothing changes I'll be back where I started.
I quickly discovered I could eat all of, those things that I had cut out and lose weight by cutting my cals to 500 on 3 days a week. So I went to town, after all those years of denying myself. I lost 9kg, friends were telling me I was 'so skinny' and then it was maintenance time. At first I was Ok but I quickly slipped and have gained 2kg, but have maintained my bad eating ways I picked up in my fasting months. Had my bloods dne, sugar higher, total cholesterol higher 7.2 but hdl 3.6 or something, BP is all over the place. So now I am finding it difficult to fast and need to get back into my old way of eating! And I mean hefore fasting. I also need to try to fast again, tho I seem to have lost the willpower to be hungry Sadly if nothing changes I'll be back where I started.