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The dangers of 'health food'!
03 Mar 2015, 15:32
I spotted this today. A film along the lines of the "Supersize Me" film:
THAT SUGAR FILM is one man’s journey to discover the bitter truth about sugar. Damon Gameau embarks on a unique experiment to document the effects of a high sugar diet on a healthy body, consuming only foods that are commonly perceived as ‘healthy’, such as low fat yoghurt, muesli bars, juices and cereals. The result? Liver disease, 10cm of visceral fat around his waist, mood swings and (according to doctors) early signs of what could lead to coronary problems. Through this entertaining and informative journey, Damon highlights some of the issues that plague the sugar industry, and where sugar lurks on supermarket shelves. THAT SUGAR FILM will forever change the way you think about ‘healthy’ food.

Article about the film and the experiment: ... er-disease
I agree that much of what we deem "healthy" is situational: depends on the person and circumstances. For example, what's healthy for a diabetic may be very different from what's good for others. Excessive intake of almost anything is unhealthy, including and possibly especially sugar. However, I've found that the one thing that makes 5:2 a doable permanent WOL is its flexibility; that is, I don't need to vilify certain foods and cut them out entirely, something that inevitably leads to tossing the baby out with the bathwater. I can't speak to those who find that any intake of refined sugar leads to bingeing; I don't have that issue, I can have one doughnut and stop there (I hate the way I feel if I have too much sugar). But if I was to say, I'll never eat a doughnut again, I would feel deprived and limited and prone to rebel. Even as a vegetarian (for ethical reasons, not health), I don't say "never," just that I choose not to eat meat 'cause I don't need to...if there was a situation that meant I needed to eat meat to survive, I would. I don't eat meat (dependent on the suffering of animals :frown: ) now just because it's yummy...there's plenty of other sources of protein out there. Plus, they've found that a higher protein intake isn't nearly as damaging when most or all of the protein is plant sourced....
I don't think that's what the movie is saying. I think that this is more along the lines of people thinking juice is a healthy substitute for soda. Really, it's not. They have the same sugar and same sugar effect. So really, if you want soda and chips, have a reasonable portion and know you're having a treat. Don't have juice and a granola bar and then think you ate "healthy" so you can have dessert later too. That's the problems I see a lot of moms near me fall into. They think a granola bar is a better choice than a candy bar, when really, it's not significantly better.
Yep, @Tracieknits, that is the main point Damon was making. And quite a few of the so called healthy options are worse re sugar than foods that are thought to be "bad"!

Thanks for starting a thread on this @carorees; a couple of us had mentioned this film in other threads, and I had said I would start a thread but never got around to it....

It is well worth seeing, not sure what is happening re overseas distribution though. On the "healthy" diet, he was consuming the equivalent of 40 tsp of sugar a day, apparently the Aussie average... :( It was interesting that Damon said that his total calorie intake was the same on the diet of so-called "healthy" foods as on his normal diet which contains virtually no processed foods, but he put on 7 kgs, lots of body fat, and had the liver damage mentioned. He was able to undo all the damage after 2? months on his normal diet.

I know Damon - he lives locally - and his partner, Zoe (who is known to Australians through her leading role in a popular TV program), and their daughter Velvet, and I know the time and effort that went into producing this.

Do see it if you can! :)

Edit: I also meant to say that Damon only ate the so called healthy foods to obtain his sugar, he did not eat the foods known to have high sugar, such as soft drinks and chocolate.
Tracieknits wrote: Don't have juice and a granola bar and then think you ate "healthy" so you can have dessert later too. That's the problems I see a lot of moms near me fall into. They think a granola bar is a better choice than a candy bar, when really, it's not significantly better.

Ugh don't get me started on granola bars. Don't get me wrong I love a bit of granola- even make it myself. Trouble is, our so called healthy eating school thinks they're healthy and has started selling them, along side fruit at the tuck shop. Now the kids feast on sugar laden, vegetable oil riddled so called health bars instead of a piece of fruit like they used to. Haven't seen the film but it's a massive problem what people perceive as healthy... like flora instead of butter...or cup-a -soup because it's only 40 cal instead of a homemade puried veggie version. Ugh.
Related links (44 minutes):

and here (64 minutes) closer to home (

And an interesting summarizing interview with Damon Gameau (35 minutes):
Thanks everybody for the links.
Thanks for the links. Just wanted to point out that science is now suggesting artificial sweeteners can cause overeating. So consuming those diet sodas/fizzy drinks can lead to obesity. ... blems.html
Thanks @stephd. I think this concern has been around for a while...

I have been amazed at how difficult it can be to find cordial without artificial sweeteners - particularly in England. All flavoured milk also seems to have artificial sweeteners in England (that doesn't seem be the case in Australia). If I am going to have a sweetened drink, I always prefer to have one with sugar. Don't like the aftertaste of artificial sweeteners, apart from anything else!!
Hi @Sassy1, I mentioned the artificial sweeteners because the second link above, the 64 minute long link, discussed sucralose or splenda (in Canada) as a safe alternative to sugar which could actually help weight loss. Just wanted to point out it doesn't. Not to mention the taste :). I used to drink diet coke quite regularly and didn't notice the odd taste until I stopped for a month and then bought a can. I couldn't stand the taste then and poured it down the drain. Funny how we can get used to things.

Enjoy the day!
Hi @stephd, in my post I should have said first "thanks for providing the link and reminding us". I have always been doubtful about artificial sweeteners, no matter what the claims of Splenda. And it is one area where I am a little disappointed that Amanda Sainsbury-Salis supports (to some extent?) using diet drinks (I think because she did...). Re what you get used to, the body (or is it the mind??) does seem to be very adaptable, and can be both very sensitive and very insensitive, depending on conditioning and attititude??

I hadn't noticed before that you are in Canada - are there many others from Cananda on the forum? We have another wet soggy day here, I assume your weather is on the improve?

Cheers! :)
Hey @Sassy1, as far as I know there is only one other Canadian on here, sadly I can't remember her name. After a couple of days of rain the sun is now out. The temps are supposed to stay on the cool side, 16 or 17 C, and my apartment is rather cold but I've bundled up in layers. It'll heat up quickly now the sun is out, hopefully. :)

Not a problem re the thanks. I wasn't criticizing just clarifying and saying what I should have said in the first post :smile: . Glad to hear we're on the same page when it comes to artificial sweeteners. I really must help my son cut down on his sugar consumption, though, especially after viewing yet another video about sugar. I just don't know how. He has his own money and chooses to buy junk with it. Oh well, perhaps all I can do is be a better model and not keep sneaking his treats LOL. I am impressed this evening. He just arrived home and has decided to make his own supper! a first! and a healthy one at that. Actually I am astounded!

Take care Sassy1.
Hi again @stephd - my son sounds just the same. I don't understand how a very intelligent young man who lives at a time when there is far more awareness (than when I was young) about healthy eating and the consequences of not, still chooses to eat so much junk. Sounds like there is some hope for your son though. :) I should note however that although I have generally modelled healthy eating, apart from too much chocolate (!), OH does not eat salad or fruit except on rare occasions, and snacks on biscuits... But needless to say, both of them are slim...

It must be heading for your bedtime, whereas I need to get going for the day. Best wishes! :)
I'm only about 2 hours from the Canadian border (Quebec Province). I'm in upstate NY, just off the same highway that connects Montreal and NYC. The weather was HOT last week here, but it's cooled down nicely to respectable Spring temperatures of about 75F/24C
@Tracieknits I'm almost directly west of you on the other side of Lake Erie. Not sure if you are in the same time zone or one hour ahead. I think the time change is not till you hit the maritimes. It was hot here last week too, had to break out the shorts and tanks. Very early in the year for us to have such high temperatures. Now we're pretty much seasonal and all the trees have leafed out. All this new green is beautiful to behold. Now if only my allergies would be non-existent this year :smile: . Well time for bed. Goodnight!
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