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The fickleness of weighing
17 Feb 2014, 08:39
My official weigh in is on a Monday morning.

However I cannot help myself but to jump on the scale at the gym or after a shower or whenever and it varies quite a bit.

For instance this morning weigh in was 91kg (must admit the home scale is an old analogue one so it could be anything from 90 to 92, perhaps more when I haven't got my glasses on. :lol: ) but last Wed afternoon after gym I was 90.2kg on the gym digital scale and Sat midday after my cycle race it was well under the 90kg line (probably dehydrated).

Anyway this isn't a moan just an observation that too regular weighing can be misleading and this way of eating is actually a way of life.

I certainly can't complain having lost in the region of 5kg since 6 Jan. :victory:
Re: The fickleness of weighing
17 Feb 2014, 08:44
Yes it's interesting how much it fluctuates isn't it. I guess that why it's best to weigh at the same time each week (although I weigh at the same time every day...and go up and down the same 2lb until eventually it stays down...hopefully!)

Yep, the body is a funny thing. We're full of beans if you ask me!

Bean :geek:
Re: The fickleness of weighing
17 Feb 2014, 08:49
Looks like it's just you and me on the forum today. :wink:
Re: The fickleness of weighing
17 Feb 2014, 08:50
It does doesn't it. Where is everyone?

Re: The fickleness of weighing
17 Feb 2014, 08:51
I quite agree. After the first couple of weeks of steady downward trend, the daily weight range now for me seems to be within a range of 4lbs. There are some interesting articles on the site that help explain.

Slow and steady for me - as you say it's a way of life. I think I'll go for a two weekly weigh in.

Re: The fickleness of weighing
17 Feb 2014, 08:56
Hey, my fellow bean!

Now, a 2-weekly weigh in? I hadn't thought of that. Actually, I never thought I'd do a daily weigh...but here I am! Anyway, good luck with that. As you say, slowly but surely you'll get there!

Bean :wink:
Re: The fickleness of weighing
17 Feb 2014, 09:05
Hi Bean

I thought a 2 weekly weigh in would focus me on the actual way of life rather than to get distracted by a flotilla of numbers!

Off to work, hope you find people in the corridors to chat to.

Nice to see someone from South Africa with us! Hi Brian :like:

Re: The fickleness of weighing
17 Feb 2014, 09:05
:clover: Hi @brian1 I had a similar episode last week I'm a weekly weighed and my usual scale day Fri and because I was eating out Thurs night so I got on Thur morning and had 400grams loss, on getting up Fri I got on the scales just for the hell of it and to my horror a 2kg gain :shock:
Needless to say I recorded the loss and back to my
weekly weigh-in. :clover: Sue
Re: The fickleness of weighing
17 Feb 2014, 09:13
I can't help but jump on the scales every morning. It fluctuates, for me it's about a 1kg range, but the trend is always down. Just slowly slowly down. So I'll hover between, say, 67 and 66kg, then over a week or two, it'll be at 65.something. Then it'll go back up, but the hover will stop being 67-66 and start being 66-65kg.

Daily weighing though has shown me that I don't weigh the same week to week at the same time. In other words, a certain time of day and day of week isn't consistently my highest/lowest/median weight.
Re: The fickleness of weighing
17 Feb 2014, 09:27
I know if i had scales i wd be on them by minutes and wd have myself up the wall veering between :shock: and :lol: from moment to moment.
I get weighed once a week at the very most and try to bear in mind we have a four pound range we can be in at any to four pounds, up or yes brian i agree those scales are fickle! And as is so often said here, the tape measure is a better friend,plus how your clothes feel. With the scales,as long as there is a consistent downward trend on the scales over a period of time,even if only small, we know we are doing something right! X its hard to be patient tho at times!
Re: The fickleness of weighing
17 Feb 2014, 09:43
Daily weighing works better with an app that calculates the trend line, taking out the daily fluctuations. Mine is 1.1kg up on yesterday due to what I ate yesterday and it's effect on my water levels, mainly. Several days like that would result in fat the daily weighing is very helpful for me and actually stopped me jumping on and off scales all day. My scale weight can vary by 2 kgs over a day...
Re: The fickleness of weighing
17 Feb 2014, 10:37
BBT053 wrote: Daily weighing works better with an app that calculates the trend line, taking out the daily fluctuations. Mine is 1.1kg up on yesterday due to what I ate yesterday and it's effect on my water levels, mainly. Several days like that would result in fat the daily weighing is very helpful for me and actually stopped me jumping on and off scales all day. My scale weight can vary by 2 kgs over a day...

Thanks for the reminder that those apps exist, I've just downloaded Libra, and sure I'll love all the graphs! :lol:
Re: The fickleness of weighing
17 Feb 2014, 10:46
Good morning! :cool:

I've been having a lie-in; hubby was working until midnight last night and then I was up at 05:30 to take him to the station :sleepy: It's half term holidays here so I came home, crawled back into bed with the cat and only woke up at about 10:00, when my daughter came in with coffee :grin: I have trained that child well :victory:

Anyway, I agree that scales can be fickle, and it's definitely a good idea to use a trending app as it paints a far more realistic picture. I've been using true weight for a few weeks now and find it very good at ironing out the bumps.

As for measuring... I think it's great when you have a lot to lose and the changes are quite dramatic, and it is certainly a useful tool. However, it's not incredibly precise. I prefer the tight, non-stretchy clothes tool. There's just no getting around whether a fixed waistband can be done up!
Re: The fickleness of weighing
17 Feb 2014, 10:55
Here is one for you! I weigh monthly. This month, I gained a pound, but lost an entire inch off my waist and some (?) off my upper arms.

Weighing often does not work for me as I do not find it motivating. I have been fasting since October and find a monthly weigh and measure is sufficient.
Re: The fickleness of weighing
17 Feb 2014, 11:28
Contrary to above post, I would make your "official weigh in" daily until your think its unnecessary. In the early days of 5:2 i think its the only way to really come to grips with weight fluctuations and cause and effect of our eating (or moving) behaviour.

You will find this forum has wildly different ideas, methods, opinions etc.

there is no right and wrong and you will find "your" right way in time.
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