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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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I hated that the only comment there was a negative one, so I left a positive one!
Oh must go back as I didn't like the article, so I had a negative view of it
I thought that the negative comment was a bit odd - she called the 5:2 diet 'unsustainable' unless you're prepared to do it for the rest of your life. Well, isn't that the point of a WOL/WOE? It's the diet mentality that causes most of the problems IMO - the idea that you do something for a quick fix and then stop.
What a ridiculous article. Clearly when they trawled though the websites and Facebook they must have done so very selectively to find such a mass of side effects. I too have left a reply as Choccygirl!
cosmo has never been accused of being overly scientific, has it? everyone is entitled to their opinion, I suppose... even that writer. (tho I suspect they are just looking for the extremes. good stuff isn't as fun to write about) personally, I'm going to stick with what's working... and that's this wol. :)
I don't find it completely negative. It has a point, it can be dangerous for some people but as every diet can be not done properly. I read the exact same warnings and side effects about the Dukan diet, a lot of people say it's dangerous and they don't care about the people for who it's working.

A diet/WOE is very personnal and not all the diets is suitable for everyone. I think the most important is to keep an open mind. I don't mind for the criticisms, it's positive. It would be really suspicious if everyone agreed with it.

They are right when they say that one should listen to one's body. It's the most important thing

More than that, I know it's working for me. I lost a lot fairly easily, I am doing 1h30 exercises a day, which never happened....ever... and the last time I did proper exercises (3 to 5h a week) was more than 20 years ago, my periods improved, I know know how to recognize when I feel "full" and I could go on like that. No complains. :grin:
More scaremongering! I expect they had a space to fill in the magazine :neutral:
This magazine is read by what demographic currently?
The world is full of twisted truths, why is there no appetite for plain, non-dramatised reporting anymore?
The magazine should stick with "What do my shoes say about me" fluff pieces and "Is my boyfriend that into me" quizzes.
Personally, bearing in mind their target audience, I think they are right to draw attention to the possibility that 5:2 can mess with your fertility/periods. I remember a while back someone posted a more scientific article on here that suggested the same thing. My cycle has been erratic and unpredictable since starting 5:2 but I've had my family so it doesn't bother me. It would definitely concern me though if I was planning a family in the future.
Thanks for that article, Frog. Yes, I too found it a very negative article (and added my own Bean69).
I agree with the other's, a very negative article.

I didn't bother leaving a comment as I didn't want to waste my time with them.

If you are looking for negatives then you will always find them. As for the side effects, they come and go. If it was constant then I would worry but an occasional headache, I used to get more migraines and headaches before I started this WOL. As for the other women's side effects who says that the period problems have to do with fasting. Mine have always been all over the place unless controlled via contraception. I don't believe for one moment that I am alone in that. :confused:
Thanks for the article @The Frog but grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr - makes me sooooooo cross. Country full of overweight people etc., etc., etc., if it's working for so many then there's got to be something positive about it. I'm now feeling really irritated - I'd better shut up :shutmouth:
For several years before 5:2 my periods were all over the place 15 days to 45 days after a month or so of 5:2 I'm back at 27-29 days. I turned 51 this year and had thought that the irregularity was because of my age and the fact that I never had children, maybe it was but I think 5:2 has reset my hormones a bit and they'll stop in my mid-fifties just like my mother and sisters. :)
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