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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Good morning, I've been fasting twice a week for the last few weeks and can say I'm finding it quite easy. I am losing weight (all be it very slowly). My weigh in day is tomorrow but finding it hard to stay off the scale, I had a look this morning and have only lost a pound this week. I know that's an ok loss but this is only my 3rd weigh in and last week I only lost 1.2lb. By tomorrow it maybe less than a pound lost. I was thinking of doing a midweek fast today but not sure if I should just stick to monday and friday, as I'm finding two fast very easy. I don't want to start not looking forwards to f/days but would love a small increase in weight loss (wouldn't we all). What do you think I should do, fast today or not? Also if I fast today, tomorrows weigh in will be out because I don't normally record my weight after a f/day. Then that will look like I've had a smaller loss next week, if you know what I mean.
Anyway I hope you are all having a great 5:2 week :)
Chill out honey, try a 'half fast' by leaving off eating today until at least after noon and see how you feel then :0)
As Azureblue said chill out!

You are loosing weight, this is good. Yes it's slow, but this is good.


Just enjoy 5:2 don't make it a chore, bcos it doesn't have to be. Good luck x
Hi not sure if I understand :) but seeing that you are losing with what you are doing I would stick with that and well done
Hi Dee well you said it 1lb is the average and I add good :heart:
But you could do an extra day of fasting or a '' good 16:8 '' some people say the extra day doesn't give you much but I'm sure this helped me to achieve my weightloss, so if your aiming for something special and need the extra lb go for it and having said that on tomorrow's weigh in you could lose without changing anything :clover: Sue :clover:
Thanks for your advice, I really don't want it to become a chore, it is so easy at the moment. Doing a half fast didn't even enter my head, think I'll give that a go.
Ooops, I've posted the same thing twice because the first one said it hadn't been sent. How do I take one off?
Sorry for double tread, first one said it hadn't sent.
Sue, I would love to lose a stone by xmas as I've not seen my family since April and I want to look my best. They don't know I've started this WOL. I don't know if I'll be a stone down by xmas but I'll give it my best shot (well, for a least 2 days a week I will ;) ). Thanks for the advice, I'll not do a full fast today but will hold off eating until later. See how I go.
If you are finding it easy, why not try an extra fast? You don't have to do it every week. But I think part of doing this is getting into the mindset of weightloss not being fast! But it trends steadily down (with ups and downs on the way!). Have you taken loads of measurements (arms, thighs, calves, tops of knees etc), because these are motivating when sometimes the scales aren't.
I don't weigh after a fast day, and just weigh a day late, and then go back to usual day the following week. Some 5:2ers prefer to weigh when empty!
Ok, that should be double thread, I'm need to go back to bed, I'm not with it today :(
Annurca I think the same as you. Another fast can't hurt but I don't want to put myself off. I'll do a half fast and if it turns into a full fast I'll weigh in a day late. I have taken loads of measurement and photos too but I've only lost 3,8lbs so far so no change yet. I can't say I like the tape measure, I never know if I'm doing it too tight or not tight enough as my body's far from firm. haha
Have merged your two threads!

It sounds like you're over thinking this...I'd stick to the two fasts, 1lb per week is the average for 5:2 so you're doing fine.
Thanks carorees, was hoping you'd do that. Think I'm doing a half fast, I'll see how I get on. I've got to going and do the food shopping now so that should be interesting. Have a good day everyone :)
Hi Dee,looking back on my records it took me nearly 6 weeks to lose 3lbs and I was fasting twice a week. My clothes were feeling loose, but it took a while for the weight to go down. It took me some time to work out how many calories I needed on my feast days and then the weight went quickly. Just keep it simple and maybe occasionally do an extra fast or half fast or 16:8, depending on how you feel and your social activities.
I got the shopping done with no problems and even managed to avoid buying goodies, Which is really strange because normally if I go food shopping hungry I come back with all sorts. I can only put it down to this WOL. It's amazing how my habits have changed in such a short time. I think I'll end this half fast soon and look forward to my friday fast. Thanks for the advice about the half fast, I feel better having done it. And from now on I'm only weighing myself once a week, what will be will be. :)
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