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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Can I ask a personal question?
15 Feb 2013, 08:28
Sorry to ask this but thought some of you ladies out there might be able to shed some light on a little hairy issue I have.

This is not really diet related, probably more menopausal I think. For the past year or so I have had a couple of persistent black hairs sprouting on my very lower chin which rightly or wrongly I have plucked. But for the past six to eight weeks, pre diet, I have noticed that they have hardly showed their face. I used to have to pluck them very regularly and now not at all! Is this something other women have noticed? I am 49 and peri menopausal. I don't imagine for one minute that they have gone forever but it is nice they are staying at bay. Has anyone else had similar experiences, I would be really interested to know. :?:
Yes, I thought I had noticed a slow down in growth of these unwanted blighters! But then this week they have made a reappearance :-(
I have major issues with this and I'm hoping it's better for me going forward. It's possibly something to so with fat producing hormones, particularly tummy fat. But as it's a bit of a taboo subject and even doctors look a bit confused if you ask, I don't really know.
On the subject of hair........ I've found that my hair is not as greasy as it was pre 5:2. I have fairly long naturally frizzy hair which take a while to style after washing, but I find now I can go 3 days without washing it rather than every other day. If only it reversed the greys too ;)
Come to think of it........ Don't think I've had my tweezers out apart from for eyebrows so might not turn into an OBL afterall :lol:

( Old Bearded Lady) :lol:
I am thinking that all these changes might be due to fasting reducing the amount of cell growth that occurs when in a situation of over-nutrition. We know that reducing calories and protein reduces growth and promotes autophagy, that is surely going to apply to hair growth and sebum production too?
Funny you should mention that, as I realised the other day that I've not had to pluck my 'man hair' for months. I have one annoying thicker dark hair on my neck which I've had to pluck for years now, but now you mention it I realise I've not had to do anything about it for absolutely ages!

I still have a few others in less obvious places which haven't stopped coming back, but that one was the most annoying and definiately hasn't shown itself for probably 3-4 months. Could well be 5:2 related!
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