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Feeling unwell on fast day
18 Feb 2013, 10:38
What's the thinking?
I normally fast Mondays, have woken up after a vile night, with the standard issue cold symptoms.
Does one fat or give it a miss till feeling stronger?
Re: Feeling unwell on fast day
18 Feb 2013, 10:48
If you feel hungry, eat, if not, fast! Let your body guide you.

Hope you feel better soon.
Re: Feeling unwell on fast day
18 Feb 2013, 11:35
Craving fruit and cottage cheese, so ate it. Feeling more robust now.
Re: Feeling unwell on fast day
18 Feb 2013, 11:39
I recommend eating if you are not feeling 100% as you need the strength. I felt unwell on my fast day last week, but I persevered with the fast. It was a big mistake as I was hit by a stomach bug and then ended up fasting (not by choice!) for the next two days. I think it took me longer to bounce back from the bug because I had been fasting the day before I got ill.
Re: Feeling unwell on fast day
18 Feb 2013, 11:52
You're hardly likely to be overeating when you feel ill anyway, so I think don't fast until you feel better.
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