So, there I was away at an event where the catering wasn't terribly good, and I decided to skip the breakfast. Then at lunchtime the queue was so ridiculously long I just couldn't be bothered, and as snacks didn't seem to be available, I ended up having nothing to eat til evening.
And I realised that thanks to having done this 5:2 thing for a few weeks, it was a real feeling of freedom knowing I was absolutely fine waiting til the evening to eat anything. Whether or not the dinner was slightly over 500 cal, it was the sense of being so mentally comfortable going without food all day that struck me as a real benefit in situations like this!
And I realised that thanks to having done this 5:2 thing for a few weeks, it was a real feeling of freedom knowing I was absolutely fine waiting til the evening to eat anything. Whether or not the dinner was slightly over 500 cal, it was the sense of being so mentally comfortable going without food all day that struck me as a real benefit in situations like this!