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Re: A diet for Gallstones ?
04 Apr 2013, 12:07
PhilT wrote:
The study was based on 9 (smallish) studies from before 1995, meaning there could be newer and larger studies the NHS base their info on.

I think I'll file that under "speculation" :smile:

Do I detect a trace of a hint of a bias against the NHS here on this thread? ;-)
Re: A diet for Gallstones ?
04 Apr 2013, 12:31
The review didn't systematically differentiate, but referred to cholesterol gallstones regularly.
Not sure if the original studies always were able to differentiate between types non-invasively - after all, you wouldn't remove stones if they weren't symptomatic. So based on the high proportion of cholesterol stones, I would expect the recommendations and findings to be valid for cholesterol stones.

Personally, I recommend cherry-picking this article:
W.H. Schwesinger et al. - Alcohol protects against cholesterol gallstone formation. Ann Surg, 207 (1988), pp. 641–647
Coffee also seems to work. Coffee with alcohol should be synergistic, then :victory:
Re: A diet for Gallstones ?
05 Apr 2013, 00:46
I have one 5mm gallstone, but my goodness did it make me feel ill. I thought I had an ulcer. One of the reasons I started this diet. I have to watch I don't eat a big fatty meal. Have had to cut down on 'Friday night is chippy night' 6 chips seem to be OK & small portion of Sunday lunch if it has gravy. I feel much better doing 5:2 & not eating/over eating than before.
Re: A diet for Gallstones ?
05 Apr 2013, 07:44
Coffecat wrote: Do I detect a trace of a hint of a bias against the NHS here on this thread? ;-)

The NHS review of 5:2 didn't exactly go out of its way to be current with its research, and the low fat kite flying advice isn't AFAIK referenced but I don't know where it came from.

I see little about fat as a problem in the "normal" diet, including from the NHS, obesity is itself a risk factor for gallstones and calorie restriction / weight loss are also risk factors so if the weight has already been accumulated both sides of the coin are tails.
Re: A diet for Gallstones ?
05 Apr 2013, 08:06
Very interesting information, thank you. I didn't even know there were two types of gallstones.
I developed gall stones twelve years ago and, as a very kind (not!) doctor said, 'You're a prime candidate; fair, fat and forty!'
I started a low fat diet and underwent the usual tests. After one very violent episode (when above doctor actually made a house call), I've never had another attack.
That's not to say I won't in the future, but I've been clear now for about 6 years.
I'm losing weight at about 1lb a week, watch my fat intake, ensure a balanced fibre diet and would like to think my weight loss will contribute to a healthier bod!
Re: A diet for Gallstones ?
05 Apr 2013, 15:03
Coffecat wrote: The review didn't systematically differentiate, but referred to cholesterol gallstones regularly.
Not sure if the original studies always were able to differentiate between types non-invasively - after all, you wouldn't remove stones if they weren't symptomatic. So based on the high proportion of cholesterol stones, I would expect the recommendations and findings to be valid for cholesterol stones.

Personally, I recommend cherry-picking this article:
W.H. Schwesinger et al. - Alcohol protects against cholesterol gallstone formation. Ann Surg, 207 (1988), pp. 641–647
Coffee also seems to work. Coffee with alcohol should be synergistic, then :victory:

For Coffecat: Just spotted this article about the benefits of red wine:
Re: A diet for Gallstones ?
05 Apr 2013, 18:12
:grin: Wouldn't you have loved to participate in that study? Why do they always pick men for that?
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