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Re: Occasional 4:3, anyone?
26 Feb 2013, 19:14
I've done 4:3 from when I started on 21st jan. I found the fast days quite manageable so figured, why not?! I do exactly the same as mariathome, fast Mon Wed Fri, quite good on a Tue & Thu and then eat what I want at the weekend. I have found though I don't go mad at the weekend as I don't want to undo all my hard work! You could do 4:3 one week, 5:2 the next then it's only 2 Fridays a month that fall as a fast day. The half fast Friday idea is also a good one.
Re: Occasional 4:3, anyone?
26 Feb 2013, 20:01
Caroline did you lose more weight the week you did 4:3 cf the weeks you do 5:2?
Re: Occasional 4:3, anyone?
26 Feb 2013, 20:13
This isn't really what you asked but I have been doing 4:3 since October last year. I find it easy enough to get used to in fact I think the two up days together are more confusing! I usually do Sunday, Wednesday and Friday as down days (low cal / fast days) but that can vary - last week I was having a day out with a friend Friday so swopped my down days around a bit.
I think once you get used to fasting it should be ok to do an extra one but I've never tried to do two together although I think some people doing the 5:2 do use that approach and it works for them.
Re: Occasional 4:3, anyone?
26 Feb 2013, 20:19
this is interesting as I would like to try an occasional 4:3 but Friday nights are red wine nights! may try to fast from thursday night to friday tea time as you suggest and see how that it. will also give me an idea of how i will feel missing breakfast and lunch as I havent been brave enough yet but would like to eventually just eat an evening meal. Yesterday i had a cupa soup for lunch and Im sure it was no more filling than a mint tea! great to read everyones tips and ideas x
Re: Occasional 4:3, anyone?
27 Feb 2013, 10:26
Thanks everyone for all your comments and sharing your experiences.
My main concern was that I might somehow mess with the rythmn of 5:2 if I started messing about. But it seems flexible enough so I've decided to try 4:3 for next 2 weeks.
I'll post how it goes.

Saggyoolcat, Red Wine on Friday night is exactly why I couldn't fast on Fridays.

But also think Marlathome's suggestion of partial fast on Fridays could work pretty well as skipping breakfast and lunch isn't that hard forme. Then I could still have Friday evening treat meal with Wine.
Lots to think of....
I think the name of the game here is: Be Your Own Scientist!!! ;)
Re: Occasional 4:3, anyone?
28 Feb 2013, 11:55
I haven't tried 4:3 yet but was considering doing a half fast friday/sat this week! I fast Tuesday and Thursday and as im in college all day friday and then working in the evening, I thought it would be too late to have my main meal at 10pm so thought id fast from friday lunch time till saturday dinner, as i wouldnt be able to eat till after work on sat anyway! So ill really just be skipping breakfast!

I was considering then doing 4:3 monday, wed and friday for a few weeks to see how I get on but im not sure how that would work as I do my strength training those days too!

Iv only lost 300g after 2 weeks so hoping 4:3 would have a bigger effect but also dont want to lose any strength! Really dunno what to do!

Any thoughts? anyone else training 3-5 times a week on 5:2 or 4:3?
Re: Occasional 4:3, anyone?
28 Feb 2013, 12:23
14-March will be a nice dinner at an Indian buffet (Jimmy Spices).... thinking to do 4:3 for that week ;).. don't know if it will help or not but it will cover my conscious for Indian buffet coming my way.
Re: Occasional 4:3, anyone?
28 Feb 2013, 14:08
jacquiann wrote: Hi All,
I'm doing 4:3 as I have hit a plateau for a whole month. I've also hurt my ankle and had to go on steroids. Needless to say I have not been doing well. I have only put on 2-3lbs which isn't bad considering the set backs.
I'm planning to do 4:3 until the end of this month then decide what to do then.
Feeling sorry for myself :cry:

That's tough. I've had a disappointing month too (viewtopic.php?f=6&t=1568)

When I get down I try to tell myself nothing's broken; what worked before will worked again whenever I choose to restart.

I think you're dead right, only putting on a couple of pounds when your normal activity has been disrupted so badly really isn't bad at all - it's surprising the emotional importance I've attached to this WoE. I've been vastly overweight for the most of the last 20 years and this is the first time I've ever managed to shift any serious amount of weight at all, never mind keep it off!

Hope you get through this rough patch OK


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