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Occasional 4:3, anyone?
26 Feb 2013, 13:05
Just wondering if anybody occasionally throws in a week of 4:3 fasting.
I've a big event on in a few weeks time and thought i might lose a bit quicker if i do a couple of 4:3 weeks.
That said, I'm enjoying 5:2 so much I'm afraid to mess with it.

Also as I couln't bear to fast Friday to Sunday it would mean 2 of the fasting days would have to be done consecutively.

Any thoughts or experience with this?
Re: Occasional 4:3, anyone?
26 Feb 2013, 13:51

I've been doing this for the last two weeks, Tues/Thurs/Sun.

I won't do it this week.

I am in the 4th week, and I think it's worked for me, as I hadn't really got used to reducing what I ate the other days.

Other things like my OH has been working on a Sunday, and I like to have a drink on a Sunday, but wanted to stop it, meant that I did it.

I find having only 1 day inbetween a strain, but it's early days, and I suppose I am still "dieting" rather than WOE'ing! (if that makes any sense)

ADF works so I can't see why 4:3 shouldn't work for you, provided your eating ok on the 4, doing an extra day would only speed up weight loss I suppose, again I don't know what the experts would say!

How are you feeling on Fast days? As you are new, I reckon 2 consecutive days would be ok for the short term once your keen, but moving on I think it might risk you loosing heart with things??

This week I am looking forward to Roast Dinner on Sunday!
Re: Occasional 4:3, anyone?
26 Feb 2013, 14:05
I did 3 fast days the other week but had more to eat in my one meal of the day. It was accidental due to having been cooked a delicious evening meal on the first fast day of the week which I could not really say no to. So I probably had 700 cals on each of the three fast days. It was fine, but it did feel a bit more like a serious diet than just doing the 2 days! I will certainly do the odd week of 3 fast days, especially if trying to compensate for a big eating occasion!
Re: Occasional 4:3, anyone?
26 Feb 2013, 14:23
Thanks Bob & Caroline for that.

I think I'll give it a go for next week and possibly the week after.
I'm finding the fast days pretty easy, so think I could manage an extra fast day for a week or 2.

It would only be in the short term, as i completely agree with you Bob that you don't want to lose heart and feel the drudgery of previous diets.
And after all it's still only 3 days dieting, as opposed to 7!
Re: Occasional 4:3, anyone?
26 Feb 2013, 14:36
I've been doing Mon/Wed/Fri and found it very doable - I'm losing weight week on week and it's become a way of life now. I allow myself 500 cals on fast days, eat sensibly on Tuesday and Thursday (non-fast) and basically have more or less what I like on Saturday and Sunday, although I have found the things I would have chosen to eat prior to doing IF don't have as much appeal as they did. I wonder if this is because they're no longer 'forbidden'? Could be.

Anyway, I'm not losing more weight each week on 4:3 than I was on 5:2 but I am losing steadily, whereas on 5:2 I could go 2 weeks with no weight loss which I found quite disheartening. Even if I only lose 0.25lb in a week, it's still a loss.

I think doing two fast days one after the other, then a feast day followed by another fast would be quite hard. Is Friday difficult to fast because of social commitments? If that's the case why not just do a partial fast on Friday, i.e. skip breakfast and lunch and just allow yourself extra calories for dinner, say? Good luck, whatever you decide to do.
Re: Occasional 4:3, anyone?
26 Feb 2013, 14:51
Thanks Marlathome,
It's great to hear other peoples experiences.

It's not that Friday poses particualrly challenging things for me.
But I've always felt Fridays were a kind of treat day
and I've always hated dieting at the weekend, which is why they never worked for me in the long term.

I'm gonna give it a go and I'll post how it goes
Re: Occasional 4:3, anyone?
26 Feb 2013, 14:54
Hi All,
I'm doing 4:3 as I have hit a plateau for a whole month. I've also hurt my ankle and had to go on steroids. Needless to say I have not been doing well. I have only put on 2-3lbs which isn't bad considering the set backs.
I'm planning to do 4:3 until the end of this month then decide what to do then.
Feeling sorry for myself :cry:

Just don't want to gain and go back to how I was. :roll:
Re: Occasional 4:3, anyone?
26 Feb 2013, 15:01
Hi Jacquiann
Hope 4:3 get's things moving again.

Will you post how it works for you?
Re: Occasional 4:3, anyone?
26 Feb 2013, 15:19
marlathome wrote: Is Friday difficult to fast because of social commitments? If that's the case why not just do a partial fast on Friday, i.e. skip breakfast and lunch and just allow yourself extra calories for dinner, say?

Think that's a great idea!
Re: Occasional 4:3, anyone?
26 Feb 2013, 15:32
Hi Emerald 17,

I will keep you posted. Can't get weighed at the moment as I can't stand on my foot !!

Plan on measuring my waist as well so see if there are any changes. :cry:
Re: Occasional 4:3, anyone?
26 Feb 2013, 16:10
I've done the occasional 4:3 when I've had a busy week socially or a busy week coming up.
I haven't found it any harder than doing 5:2.
I don't know how it has affected my weight as my next weigh in isn't until the forum weigh in March.
Re: Occasional 4:3, anyone?
26 Feb 2013, 16:18
Saw a member on here the other day (can't remember which post thread) saying that before they go on holiday they do 4:3 the week before and then the week after they return, which usually pretty much negates what they put on whilst away! Sounds a good plan and one which I intend to try myself later in the year. I don't think there's anything wrong with chopping and changing - some people do ADF and they manage OK - so it's back to that saying again "whatever is right for you". You can't do any harm IMO. I also think when I get closer to my goal weight and I reach that plateau then I'll have to up it to 4:3 to continue with the weight loss - so good luck Emerald17 let us know how it goes. :)
Re: Occasional 4:3, anyone?
26 Feb 2013, 16:26
I ended up doing my first 4:3 this past week with two of the days being consecutive. Schedule seemed a bit hectic for me this week, so I wanted to be a bit pre-emptive.

It was okay, but by the second day I was a bit grumpy lol. Hunger-wise, I lacked any sort of appetite which kind of frightened me a bit (omg starvation mode!) lol I was just being foolish considering I had plenty of time to over-analyse things especially since it was a Saturday.

All in all 4:3 is doable- but I also definitely like the idea of partial fasts, if you can't bother with a third or attempting to complete them consecutively. Now that I think about it I might experiment with that as well sometime in the future if needed.

Good luck :)
Re: Occasional 4:3, anyone?
26 Feb 2013, 17:02
I'm going to do it this week. Hubby and I were supposed to fast on Monday. He left town on a business trip early in the morning. I stuck to my fast like a good girl, but he was unable to stick with it - big business dinner waylaid his plans. So he's coming home on Wednesday and fasting again Wednesday and Friday. I'll do it with him for moral support.
Re: Occasional 4:3, anyone?
26 Feb 2013, 17:47
I've done a couple of weeks on 4:3. I generally fast on Mondays & Thursdays, but will throw in a Saturday as well. If I do, I generally eat a little bit more on the third day - last one I had 640 cals instead of 500. I'm going to do it a bit more regularly now, while I am feeling particularly strong on this regime and I want to keep the weight loss up.
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