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Re: Breakfast after fast day
27 Feb 2013, 09:05
My best meal too and I always have porridge made with SS milk and honey, a slice of toasted multigrain home made bread with real butter and marmalade. I look forward to it.
Re: Breakfast after fast day
27 Feb 2013, 09:23
That sounds yummy. I don't do low fat things either. I love real butter and always buy British to support our dairy farmers, non of that Danish stuff. Our neighbours have milking cows and I know how hard they work for very low financial rewards.
Re: Breakfast after fast day
27 Feb 2013, 09:31
If it's a work day I usually continue with my porridge (though I increase it from 25g to 30g, still with water :) ) at the weekend we'd usually have sausage, egg and a slice of toast on Saturday then nice bread (from our local baker, it's to die for) on the Sunday. Then, hey ho, Monday comes around (so quickly) and it's fast day again ! :lol:
Re: Breakfast after fast day
27 Feb 2013, 09:39
For breakfast most days 2 weetabix with Oatley, a1% fat Actimel to take a multivitamin & an Ibuprofen for my knees & a coffee. On fast days a black coffee.
Re: Breakfast after fast day
27 Feb 2013, 09:41
Quaker 5 minute oats this morning with 1% milk. Very cold in Sunny Scotland so thought I needed some fuel.
Re: Breakfast after fast day
27 Feb 2013, 10:58
40-50g Fruit & Nut Muesli and semi skimmed milk for me! I find that I have to weigh it because it is very easy to be heavy handed and eat twice as much as I need to. It keeps me full until lunchtime, so no temptation to snack!
Re: Breakfast after fast day
27 Feb 2013, 12:29
On weekdays I'll have a mix fruit salad of melon, strawberries, grapes, 1/2 bananna and apple, with a sprinlking of walnuts a a big scoop of natural yogurt.
Before I would have considered this a "diet breakfast" but recently I genuinely crave it, with a pot of freshly brewed coffee. YUM :D

But at weekends, anything goes, sausage or bacon sandwiches, or pancakes with syrup . And on the occasional Sunday, The full Fry up!!!!
Never thought I could have that on a diet!
Re: Breakfast after fast day
27 Feb 2013, 13:20
The only thing I fancy the morning after a fast is boiled egg and soldiers for some strange reason! Cereal used to be my favourite thing in the morning but it just doesn't cut it anymore!
Re: Breakfast after fast day
27 Feb 2013, 13:33
Lucky7 wrote: the cat was chuffed to bits with the smoked salmon with cream cheese on it though, and he's also a fan of left over porridge. No wastage in this house!)

My cat eats the remains of whatever I have - seriously he should have been a dog. He loves yoghurt & porridge but will eat toast crusts or egg white (i dont eat the white very often). Whatever i have left at tea time he will have a go at - chips, pasta you name it..
Re: Breakfast after fast day
28 Feb 2013, 11:54
Just enjoyed a wonderful 3 farm eggs scrambled in butter on lovely seedy Toast. Fantastic! Had it after 11am so that I 'fasted' from dinner last night at 7pm so that was 16 hours between meals. That is what I should be doing, isn't it? Also you wonderful people have explained about tdee and it's quarter on fast days so I'm now 1700 calories on feed days and 425 on fast days - tomorrow is my next. Many thanks my friends. :-)
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