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Mad at myself for being a pig!
27 Feb 2013, 07:59
Morning everyone,
I'm so mad at myself, last week I only did one fast day and then this week so far I have been a complete pig! I have been a bit down in the dumps and had some sort of virus, I suffer from anxiety and now I'm due on my period too, so maybe I have PMT.
Last night I ate a huge bar of fruit and nut and two packets of crisps - why am I such a pig!? I don't know why I keep doing this, gorging on chocolate and crisps and then feeling guilty - it's pathetic and irritating and yet I keep going back and doing it! I'm not overweight but I would like to lose about half a stone in total, maybe a little more, but more than that it's just the lack of willpower and general gluttony that makes me mad/sad.
Does anyone else do things like this? How do I break this cycle?!
:roll: xx
Hi Sophieh, all the time! I have been stuck in a total binge cycle and asked myself the same questions. If i buy 6 packets of crisps, I will eat the 6 packets within a small timeframe. Chocolate....why have one bar when you can have 3:). I have googled 'emotional eating' and 'stop overeating' etc. and albeit a lot of stuff struck a chord i've really struggled to get my eating under control (I've put 3 stone on in the past 18 months!). I've considered hypnotherapy and a million other things - I know what you mean about the guilt, sometimes it can be all consuming. Try not to be too hard on yourself, especially at that time of the month - just let it go and start again. I've found my eating habits a lot better since I started this, they are still not perfect but I am getting there. Mindset is really important so I try to focus on what healthy eating and fasting will do for me and I find a little bit of excercise also helps to improve my mood and willpower :)
Another thing i do is not keep stuff in the house, if I don't buy it, I can't eat it however much I want it. Good luck and just take one day at a time. If you fall off the wagon just put it behind you and start again the next day.
Sophie don't be so hard on yourself! The lure of crisps and chocolate fades as you get further into fasting. Because you're allowed them on feed days you don't need to feel guilty. The fast days change your appetites too so you don't feel the cravings for high carb foods.

Concentrate on the fast days for now and don't worry about feed day treats. Don't weigh yourself for at least a month of fasting twice a week.
Isn't it ridiculous?! I think I definitely eat when emotions are running high, maybe we should log on in times of need for a bit of support. Thanks for your reply, nice to know someone else would also chow down 3 chocolate bars in one sitting :)
Lots of us out there. I have tried not having those things in the pantry but will trough cooking chocolate, dried fruit, cheese etc. doesn't matter what it is when I feel the need. I agree though the fast days are helping me gain control. I manage the fast days no problem and slowly I am getting in control of the feast days too. Stick with it and you will get there.
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