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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Anyone else had this? I fasted Monday and Wednesday last week so exactly a week on I weighed....2 pounds on! I guess I feasted too much?! Any tips or advice greatly received :frown: :?: :oops:
Worth reading this from the Frequently asked questions board:
I've not gained, but am very disappointed with weight loss so far. Just going into my 5th week, and have only lost 2 3/4 lbs. Is anyone else in similar position. I am not eating more than my 500 cals per day, and am also careful about beverages, only drinking clear, non milky drinks. Feel very disheartened :confused:
Do you think what we eat in the feast days is playing a role? I do. I only started on Thursday, but I personally feel that eating normally read to me as 'eat what you want' ie cheese/cooked breakfasts/chips/crisps/choc.

Previously when I've done myfitnesspal, I have still eaten bad stuff but allocated cals for them and maybe gone slightly over but not much. I may have taken feast days too literally, as eating normally should still be moderation yes?

I'm hoping its just the novelty factor and being back at work this week means more of a routine and meal planning, and less coffee shops and boredom :smile:
Hi there
I lost 3lb's the first week and then put 1.5 lb's back on in my 2nd week and yet i've followed the plan to the letter - my problem could be i've not eaten enough cals as i was only eating an average of 1500 on feed days even though it should of been 1950 - I also think maybe are bodies are a little shocked into this new plan/regime so may take a while to show on the scales! I guess its a case of trying different things until we find a happy medium! Best of luck
Previous to starting the Fast Diet I lost a stone in 5 months by following the rule 'No carbs after 6 pm but eat what you like on Saturday'. This rule on non fast days helps weight loss and is easy to live with.
It's really hard to say why some people find the weight just drops off while others struggle. The biology of weight loss is very complex. One thing is that if we undereat our bodies try to reduce energy expenditure by making us less likely to move about, this applies to things like fidgeting, restlessness etc not just the desire to jump up and exercise. It also makes our muscles more efficient. So I think that for some people eating more on fast days negates this effect so that despite eating more they lose more weight. Also lots of high GI foods encourage fat deposition by increasing insulin so it could be that food choices on feed days affect weight loss.

So, maybe you could try to eat a bit more on feed days so you are eating nearer your TDEE especially of low GI foods (but allowing some treats of course) might do something and of course moving more. I'd give it a month of any one approach before deciding if it is working.

Last thing to say is that if you have thyroid problems (which you might not know about), weight loss will be very slow.
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