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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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I have just started this diet and have just done my first fast day.

How many calories is recommended for the Feast days as I dont want to over do it and stay the same. .

Many thanks
Just keep eating as normal on your feast days - whatever you were eating before starting 5:2 (unless you were already calorie restricting or were overeating and consistently gaining weight).

The average for a woman is around 2000 calories, but if you want to know your specific needs have a look for a TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure) calculator - there should be a link in the Resources forum or in the 5:2 Diet FAQ.
Presumably you mean 'fast' days rather than 'feast' days? The book recommends 500 calories for females and 600 for males. From a personal angle I have a normal meal on fast days and still continue to lose weight but then my meals are usually of smaller portions to the average.

PS It looks as if you actually mean 'feast' days; a new concept to me.
You don't have to count calories on feast days and it is mentioned you can have upto and even just over your 2000 calories for that day. But I myself am still sticking to a relatively healthy diet on feast days of around 1300 calories, but if I'm invited out for a meal or something then I wouldn't say no. Unlike other diets this one you can feel free to eat what you want at your own limits. Hope this helped
The beauty of this WOE is that you can eat normally on a feast day, think if you cut calories too low your body will go into famine mode.
My TDEE for maintenance is 2000 cals a day. I eat between 1800 and 2200 on feed days and around 500 on fast days, this results in an average over the week of about 1500.
if you want to know your specific needs have a look for a TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure) calculator - there should be a link in the Resources forum or in the 5:2 Diet FAQ.

Does anyone know where there is a link to this info? I really wouldn't know where to start looking.
Jem wrote: if you want to know your specific needs have a look for a TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure) calculator - there should be a link in the Resources forum or in the 5:2 Diet FAQ.

Does anyone know where there is a link to this info? I really wouldn't know where to start looking.

It's worth looking at the FAQs for both this and other answers, very informative. The link is in Carorees signature (post above quoted post) or look at the Forum Index.
For feast days it's 2000 calories for a woman but I think I probably eat a bit less than that now as my appetite is not so big since I began this diet.
My TDEE is 1880 calories, so I eat 450 or less on fast days (Monday and Thursday), 1500-1600 on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, and whatever I want on Saturday and Sunday. That puts me at a steady loss of 1 lb/week so far. To be fair, the only day I go "wild" is Saturday since that is date night and my OH and I go out on the town.
My TDEE is 2300 (i work out everyday), but I generally eat 1800 one feast day and 2300 the next to mix it up a bit :)
The lowest TDEE that I found online is 1270. I usually stay around 1300 and I try to never exceed 1500, unless Im going out for a meal
Between 1400 and 3000, shamefully..
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