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Your fry-up is bad for you!
07 Mar 2013, 12:03
Well, who knew!?! :wink:

Processed meat 'early death' link

Sausages, ham, bacon and other processed meats appear to increase the risk of dying young, a study of half a million people across Europe suggests.

It concluded diets high in processed meats were linked to cardiovascular disease, cancer and early deaths.

The researchers, writing in the journal BMC Medicine, said salt and chemicals used to preserve the meat may damage health.

The British Heart Foundation suggested opting for leaner cuts of meat.

The study followed people from 10 European countries for nearly 13 years on average.

Lifestyle factors

It showed people who ate a lot of processed meat were also more likely to smoke, be obese and have other behaviours known to damage health.

However, the researchers said even after those risk factors were accounted for, processed meat still damaged health.

One in every 17 people followed in the study died. However, those eating more than 160g of processed meat a day - roughly two sausages and a slice of bacon - were 44% more likely to die over a typical follow-up time of 12.7 years than those eating about 20g.

In total, nearly 10,000 people died from cancer and 5,500 from heart problems.

Prof Sabine Rohrmann, from the University of Zurich, told the BBC: "High meat consumption, especially processed meat, is associated with a less healthy lifestyle.

"But after adjusting for smoking, obesity and other confounders we think there is a risk of eating processed meat.

"Stopping smoking is more important than cutting meat, but I would recommend people reduce their meat intake."

Health benefits

She said if everyone in the study consumed no more than 20g of processed meat a day then 3% of the premature deaths could have been prevented.

The UK government recommends eating no more than 70g of processed meat - two slices of bacon - a day.

A spokesperson said: "People who eat a lot of red and processed meat should consider cutting down."

However a little bit of meat, even processed meat, had health benefits in the study.

Ursula Arens from the British Dietetic Association told BBC Radio 4's Today programme that putting fresh meat through a mincer did not make it processed meat.

"Something has been done to it to extend its shelf life, or to change its taste, or to make it more palatable in some way... and this could be a traditional process like curing or salting."

She said even good quality ham or sausages were still classed as processed meat, while homemade burgers using fresh meat were not.

"For most people there's no need to cut back on fresh, red meat. For people who have very high intake of red meat - eat lots of red meat every day - there is the recommendation that they should moderate their intake," she added.

Ms Arens also confirmed that the study's finding that processed meat was linked to heart disease was new.

Mr Roger Leicester, a consultant surgeon and a member of the Meat Advisory Panel, said: "I would agree people should eat small quantities of processed meat."

However, he said there needed to be a focus on how meat was processed: "We need to know what the preservatives are, what the salt content is, what the meat content is...meat is actually an essential part of out diet."

Growing evidence

Dr Rachel Thompson, from the World Cancer Research Fund, said: "This research adds to the body of scientific evidence highlighting the health risks of eating processed meat.

"Our research, published in 2007 and subsequently confirmed in 2011, shows strong evidence that eating processed meat, such as bacon, ham, hot dogs, salami and some sausages, increases the risk of getting bowel cancer."

The organisation said there would be 4,000 fewer cases of bowel cancer if people had less than 10g a day.

"This is why World Cancer Research Fund recommends people avoid processed meat," said Dr Thompson.

Tracy Parker, a heart health dietitian with the British Heart Foundation, said the research suggested processed meat might be linked to an increased risk of early death, but those who ate more of it in the study also made "other unhealthy lifestyle choices".

"They were found to eat less fruit and vegetables and were more likely to smoke, which may have had an impact on results.

"Red meat can still be enjoyed as part of a balanced diet.

"Opting for leaner cuts and using healthier cooking methods such as grilling will help to keep your heart healthy.

"If you eat lots of processed meat, try to vary your diet with other protein choices such as chicken, fish, beans or lentils."

Original story here:

I love the comment that says:

In reports like this they always say 'deaths could have been prevented', surely what they mean is the inevitable could be postponed a bit.
Re: Your fry-up is bad for you!
07 Mar 2013, 12:07
Did they pinpoint what it was about the processed meats? I know a lot of people who blame the nitrates so many companies add.
Re: Your fry-up is bad for you!
07 Mar 2013, 12:12
I saw a report about processed food quite a while back so not particularly new. I expect the combination of salt, fat and nitrates that you get in these foods combine to make them particularly bad for you.
Re: Your fry-up is bad for you!
07 Mar 2013, 12:18
But haven't we known this for quite some time? I remember trying to cut down on processed meat some years' back...because of a report saying the same thing. We all know what is good/bad for us. I can't believe there is anyone who thinks that eating a lot of red meat/sausage/bacon/salami etc is actually healthy eating...but maybe I am being too optimistic about the reasoning powers & intelligence of the "great British public"!
Re: Your fry-up is bad for you!
07 Mar 2013, 15:13
There is also the issue about the source of these products and the preservatives used. Getting them from a quality butcher or farmers market is going to provide a different product compared to generic meats at the cheaper end of the supermarket or highly processed food chain.
Re: Your fry-up is bad for you!
09 Mar 2013, 13:11
According to a new book out called Fat by Jennifer McLagan, bacon's fat is a lot like that of olive oil: "45 percent of the fat in bacon is monounsaturated, the good-for-you fat that can help lower bad cholesterol levels. Better still, bacon's monounsaturated fat turns out to be oleic acid, the same fat found in olive oil. So that means that some could argue that bacon is about half as good for you as olive oil and about 100 times more delicious."
I wont give up my bacon and now I have my own eggs I'm even less likely.
The way the meat is produced and cured will have alot of bearing on how healthful or otherwise it is.
Re: Your fry-up is bad for you!
09 Mar 2013, 13:16
In fact ,I might just look this book up. I really get some work done now.Ha ha
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