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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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As nothing seemed to happen in week 2 or week 3 I decided that it must of been due to overeating. Hmmmm could of been the family size mars planet chocolate bag, pizza, desserts, wine, sweets etc - took 'eat normal' as 'eat like a pig' .. Lol...

Making a note just to see if it makes a difference to have a limit on feast days too though obviously no way as low as 500 calories! Then if I start losing weight then at least I know roughly what a daily 'feast day' amount should be?

Anyone else do this? Or don't you need to? Quite envious of those that can eat what they want including lots of treats and still lose weight.

Hmm... I wouldn't advise strict calorie counting as that somewhat defeats the object, but have an idea of roughly what you're eating. If you're obviously going several hundred calories over your TDEE every day the you probably need to cut back a bit, but don't let it get so that you don't have any "naughty" food at all!
I try to eat around 1500 mark on my feast days. Lost 3lbs so far but had been doing weight watchers since start of jan and d weight had stayed the same for a few weeks. This seems to have given me another wee kick start. So trying to do a bit of weight watchers but not as strict as I have 50 lbs still to go
I'm doing it, only because this is my first week on 5:2 and I want to get a sense of how much I'm eating. At the moment, without making any special effort to restrict, I'm coming in at about 90% of TDEE. I'm eating the same stuff as before but the meals feel bigger somehow and I end up eating a bit less. I probably will stop counting next week.
Initially, I did and kept to 1200 cal as I had been trying to reduce myself. Previous attempts at dieting were painfully slow and I just couldn't see that the feast and famine thing would work. The weight did shift, I had a wee holiday and came back to 5:2 with no calorie counting except on fast days. And , do you know, it's still working, in fact, even better!
My thoughts would be to keep an eye on what you're having on feed days, more for interest and data. If it's well ove the TDEE you may need to cut back a bit, but it seems to be more important to have enough on eating days. When you have been doing 5:2 for a wee while, your body seems to self regulate, you can enjoy food and fasts without obsessively counting.
Love it
I'm calorie counting in this the beginning of my starting the 5:2 regime. It's only because I was a bit confused at being told to eat normally - not doing this being the problem that led me to become obese in the first place! I aim to hit my TDEE more or less. I anticipate that I'll stop counting calories soon though.I use My Fitness Pal online to do it which makes it really easy in the meantime.
I keep a food diary on Nutracheck and try to stick to 1500kcals on a feast day but I'm not super strict. On fast days I am religious in sticking to 500kcals I mainly fast when I am at work as I'm so busy most days I don't think about food. Then on my days off I really look forward to preparing nice meals and having guild free treats. Yesterday I had a vanilla slice delish!!!
I don't count calories, just watch your portions. I find using a smaller plate helps at dinner time. If we are having pizza I just have a couple of slices from my Husbands etc. Sat lunch is our chippy treat but we have a kids portion baby fish chips and curry sauce special. My husband is satisfied with smaller portions and he is not overweight. If you fancy something that's always been forbidden on regular diets just go smaller and enjoy.

I am a bit anal about it actually!

It really really really helps me, not with dieting but knowing what I am eating in terms of calories.

I know Uncle says it defeats the object, but does it?

Yesterday I had grilled Pork Loins smothered in Whole Grain Mustard apple sauce, cheese, Salt & Pepper Potato Wedges, Veg and Gravy for Tea, it was less than 1000 calories, I skipped breakfast so with lunch I hit 1500 calories for the day. Without calorie "awareness" I would have had Pork Chops, and Roast potatoes and probably doubled the calories. It was still 100% what I wanted but helped me keep control.

It's this sort of "education" from this Diet that is really helping me, and hopefully making it a sustainable WOE.

Lets not forget any other diet would have frowned at that Tea, so this is still great!

I made Cauliflower mini Pizza's ( only 30 cals each) yesterday, and with the 3 left over egg yolks I made Creme Brule, only enough for 3 portions so I went without, but it was a nice Tea! ( The creme Brule I made with skimmed milk rather than cream, and the Kids and OH couldn't tell the difference!)
I roughly keep track using MyFitnessPal but am not too hung up on it.

Being a very sweet-toothed, carb-craving crazy binger, do it more to keep myself in check, than for anything. 5 weeks in and "normal" can still elude me on some "feast" days......
I have been doing this 5:2 for three weeks now and everything was going well. However when I weighed myself after a fast day this week I had put 1lb on in weight.
I haven't gone overboard on feast days and have been tracking it on my fitness pal. My average calories over the week, per day is 1000. My TDEE is 1693.
Am I not eating enough on feast days.
Yesterday was a feast day and I had cup a soup for lunch and ham sandwich for dinner. 400 cals in total.
I roughly keep track using the calorie counter app from fat secret (but I don't bother weighing food). I try to eat up to my TDEE on feast days on average, do a bit under 2000 on weekdays, over at weekends, this with the 2 fast days gives an average of about 1500. I have noticed I lose more weight if I eat up to TDEE than if I restrict. In fact the other weekend I over ate enormously as I was away at a hotel (full board) for 4 days. My weight loss really picked up after that. Go figure!
I'm like Caroline & keep a rough track using the app from fat secret. What I found was I wasn't eating enough......all those years of dieting unsuccessful ..... now that I've upped my intake weight loss is better!! Life is much more enjoyable too :victory:
I keep a rough track using MFP - had a feasting weekend last weekend (mother's 80th birthday party) so certainly didn't bother tracking then (I would have been mortified I'm sure if I knew calorie count that had passed my lips). Have made up for it this week with 2 feast days at 500 and below - and have still managed to shed another 1lb since last Friday (my 'weigh in' day in my mind!). Woohoo :smile: I love this WOL
Yes like a lot of you I have checked my normal calorie intake I wanted a rough idea, after all that is why I am overweight in the beginning, eating too much, so if I pig out on feast days it makes sense I am not going to lose much weight !!!!
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