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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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DrLCH wrote: Smartin - is there any way you can incorporate some form of exercise into your day? even a 15 minute walk around the block might help. I seem to notice a larger difference when I have been active (cycling on my commute) on my fast days.

Yes, exercise is something I've been really bad about. I want to get up and walk in the morning, but I've been so tired from not sleeping well. But I know I absolutely have to do it. I love how it makes me feel. I especially love weights. I really need to kick myself in the butt! :curse:
smartin08 wrote:
BBT053 wrote: I'd like to know how long it takes to build muscle, slightly OT as I'm now going to be doing weights.

Keep at it, really, is there any alternative?

Thank you.

And you may find this interesting: ... -you-gain/

However there's so much more information on the internet, just Google it. :) xx

Thanks, it's something I've been meaning to google for a while and now I've started Crossfit, I'm interested to see how that will affect my stats.

If you like weights, would you fancy Crossfit? I'm really liking it as I'm a lazy sod so blokes "encouraging" me is great. :oops:
Hi Smartin,
I know this is heartbreaking when you think your doing it the way it should be done and then no big results, l am desperate lose weight, l lost 5lb first week, nothing for 2 weeks and then lost another 3lb this week, it depends how quickly you want to lose weight, l try and think that l am doing it for health benefits as there are many and l take the weight loss as a good side effect. Maybe stick it out for a few more weeks. Just for the record l dont count calories on my feast days as that was the whole idea of this diet but l do try and eat sensible, but also with alot of wine at the weekend. Good luck l really hope it eventually works for you!!! xx
Hi, I read your post a while ago and have been trying to put in words how I feel about this. I have a lot of weight to lose, and goodness knows I want to lose every last ounce, however since starting this WOL I have discovered there is something much more important. I have started to feel ok around food! I know I can eat what I want so I don't seem to want it. The "good" stuff is in my house but I don't eat it. This will lead to weight loss as I won't be over eating, it will be slow but it will happen. I also know that this will happen to you as well, suddenly you will realise that you are not eating as much and not craving as much, probably before you notice it on the scales then you will have tha eureka moment and will be able to relax. Hope you stay to feel that as I have. Keep reading the posts they help! :grin: meanwhile you have lost more than me and I have been fasting longer :like:
Have others worked this out for themselves? Helps to ensure you're eating the right level of calories on our feast days.
Calorie requirement 2304
For age, height, weight.
I burn roughly 2304 cals in 24 hours
sleeping 540 mins
Very Light activity 780 mins
Light activity 120 mins

I also do an hour long fitness training session in the pool with a personal trainer but can only do it once a week but it must burn a good few cals & dog walking 30-45 mins most days..

To lose weight / burn fat, take 15-20% off that figure per day.
15 % =1,958 cals
20% = 1,843 cals
Peta: you don't need to take the 20% off because the fasting days create a 20% reduction anyway. You should eat around TDEE on feed days. The TDEE calculators that are linked to in the FAQ require you to enter your exercise level, so all you need to do is enter your data in one of the calculators to get an indication of what you should be eating on feed days. On fast days you eat 25% of TDEE.

So the 1843 cals/day you quote should be your average intake over the week.
Ok thanks Caroline.
Riel....have nt seen you about on the threads I have been reading so Hi
I soooo agree with you ....this has changed my 'attitude' guilt deprivation....I can have it but dont want or need it.....this is food freedom !!!!
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