My next fast day is Thursday I have decided to try not having any food until lunch time ,I usually spread the calories for 3 meals a day ,but i struggled a bit on my last fast day Monday ,so hopefully this way I will have more calories left for my evening meal
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Morning Carol
I tried this approach Monday and found it to ease the day along. I also did some light exercise to take my mind off it.
Drink plenty of fluids to get you through and report how you got on.
Good luck.
I tried this approach Monday and found it to ease the day along. I also did some light exercise to take my mind off it.
Drink plenty of fluids to get you through and report how you got on.
Good luck.

Hi Carol,
For years, like so many people, I had it drummed it into me that I must eat breakfast if I want to lose weight, but after 6 weeks on 5:2, I now know what a lot of rubbish this is. Before, when I had breakfast, I'd be starving again by about 11 o'clock, so out would come the biscuits etc. After going without breakfast on my fast days and feeling really good, I now miss breakfast most days or have a late one about 11ish on feed days. It's definitely helping me to consume less calories overall, but I can still have my treats in the evening, which is the time I really enjoy eating, when I'm relaxed after work has finished.
For years, like so many people, I had it drummed it into me that I must eat breakfast if I want to lose weight, but after 6 weeks on 5:2, I now know what a lot of rubbish this is. Before, when I had breakfast, I'd be starving again by about 11 o'clock, so out would come the biscuits etc. After going without breakfast on my fast days and feeling really good, I now miss breakfast most days or have a late one about 11ish on feed days. It's definitely helping me to consume less calories overall, but I can still have my treats in the evening, which is the time I really enjoy eating, when I'm relaxed after work has finished.

Hi, I only started the diet Monday and have done Monday and Wednesday fast days. I skipped breakfast Monday and Wednesday and had a little tummy pain on Monday but was ok after I had a small lunch. Wednesday I was a bit lightheaded but that was probably because I didn't eat enough on Tuesday. I am finding it very difficult to get my head round eating normally on the non fast days as I am always dieting or gorging. Today I had a snack mid morning and ate some fruit going up to lunch time which is better. Will be very interested to see what weight loss I get next Monday. I am fasting 3 days in a week as I have 2 stones to lose.

Funny, I feel the same way. I'm on my first week of the plan: had my first fast day on Tuesday and I found it kind of exciting. Didn't have much trouble, a little tummy rumbling but nothing desperate. I too have been so used to being constantly on a diet, that I had to keep reminding myself to eat on my feast days. LOL!

I skip breakfast on fast days. What works for me is to go to the gym (if I am not at work) around mid-morning and that carries me through to a light lunch.

I agree. The first fast day I tried a small breakfast but was climbing the wall with hunger by lunch time. Since then I skip breakfast on fast days and I can normally last much longer to have my lunch on fast days than I can on feed days. Coffee is a good substitute for breakfast on fast days

Skipping breakfast works for me. I usually have a high protein lunch such as a 2-egg omelette which keeps me going until dinner time, leaving enough calories for some steamed fish/chicken and vegetables.
I would be interested to know if there are more benefits from fasting all day until dinner as many here do. However, by fasting from 7pm on the night before a fast day until 1 pm the following day is an 18-hour fast followed by another 14 hour fast between dinner on a fast day and breakfast the following day. And I do find this easier than going all day without any calories.
I would be interested to know if there are more benefits from fasting all day until dinner as many here do. However, by fasting from 7pm on the night before a fast day until 1 pm the following day is an 18-hour fast followed by another 14 hour fast between dinner on a fast day and breakfast the following day. And I do find this easier than going all day without any calories.

I tried this the first week but found this week easier doing breakfast-dinner.

Hi everyone I am reporting back after my skipping breakfast fast,I must say it was easier, I did'nt feel as hungry as I thought I would have, so I will be doing it again on my next Monday fast and looking forward to my Sunday weigh in ,I weigh myself just once a week and after 3 normal eating days so hopefully this is my true weight, well ha ha thats my theory

Hi all
As others have said I've had it drummed into me for years that I needed to eat breakfast and have never enjoyed it.
I find skipping breakfast works for me and also lunch most of the time to have that bigger meal on an evening.
As others have said I've had it drummed into me for years that I needed to eat breakfast and have never enjoyed it.
I find skipping breakfast works for me and also lunch most of the time to have that bigger meal on an evening.

I agree no breakfast on fast days is the best way - I save all my calories for a big evening meal which seems to work for me!

I agree with what everyone has said. Tried skipping breakfast right from the start 4 weeks ago and it was really easy to do. By now I am also skipping 'lunch' which used to consist of maybe a cup a soup and a small salad, then just a cup a soup and then nothing. I doubly enjoy having all my cals to spend for my evening meal.
As others have reported, it's the eating that makes me hungry so I'd be really hungry an hour after eating! And yes having breakfast on a eating day can lead to me feeling hungry around 10 or 11, and I am now working hard on ignoring it
As others have reported, it's the eating that makes me hungry so I'd be really hungry an hour after eating! And yes having breakfast on a eating day can lead to me feeling hungry around 10 or 11, and I am now working hard on ignoring it

Hi I skipped breakfast on both fast days and waited till lunch then had dinner I found this easier, as once I started eating it seemed to start me off wanting food. I also drunk over 2 litres of water which did help fill me up.

Maybe I buck the trend but I love breakfast, I usually have an egg on toast or cereal or porridge. I have been having two egg whites and a whole egg on fast days and that's been keeping me full til lunch. I might give no breakfast a go but I'm nervous as I hate the idea of not being able to function at work.
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