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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Disapointing week. I fast Mondays and Thursdays and last week I lost 3lb from fasting and hit 1/2 stone loss in total. I normally weigh myself around 3 times a week just out of interest to see what is happening over fast days and feed days. Since starting 5:2 I have seen minor fluctuations which I expect.

Last week I thought 3lb was quite a lot to lose in 4 days, so I weighed myself each of the feed days and put on 1lb each day. Now I have put on 3lb so no weight loss this week.

I am wondering if I did anything wrong. Did I overeat, should I start counting calories, is it water loss/gain or did I go into starvation mode?

I am not too concerned as it is only one week, but I wondered if anyone else has experienced this?
You're almost in the healthy BMI band now so the loss will be slower and some weeks you may find you don't lose anything. You may also find that at that time of the month you don't lose anything either. I wouldn't get too hung up about it when it's just one week's weigh in that shows no loss, just hang in there and if it doesn't change for a few weeks then look at maybe changing something.

Remember also to only compare the weight figures once a week, on the same day around the same time. Your natural fluctuations in weight can also sometimes mask the loss if it's just 1lb or so. Definitely don't worry when it's just one week. I have occasional weeks with no loss, and I'm approaching the healthy weight range too.
losing water weight in fasting and regaining is to be expected. These folks did alternate day fasting :-

Yes, most weeks I drop about 3lb after a fast day and gain 1 or 2 over the feed days, sometimes more (no/little loss) sometimes less (bigger loss). I wouldn't worry about it unless the pattern continues for a month or more, when it would be worth recalculating your TDEE which does drop as you lose weight (less work involved in carrying your body around as it gets lighter) :-).
My new fat% scales also monitor water. My water % has seemed to be stable at 50% throughout the week. I do realise that the scales might not be accurate. After the 3lb loss I definately noticed my face looked thinner, cheekbones had started to appear and the saggy bit under my chin had nearly gone. Now my face looks puffier again. I don't know how quickly fat gain shows, is it that quick? My hunch (hopefully) is that it is water being retained.
I am glad it is Monday fast day again, this blip has not affected my positive attitude to the 'diet'. It is early days yet!
Today was my 3rd fast day in 1 week since I started. I felt like I was doing well, but the scale said otherwise. I was up .2. :frown:

I'm very frustrated. Anyone else experience a gain? I exercise 5 days a week, eat pretty normal.

Any suggestions or ideas?
Have you overeaten by 7000 cals? I don't think it can't be will be food still in your system and water.

See what kencc posted above!
Stomar: Is that 0.2lb or 0.2kg?
In either case, I wouldn't worry about it. Pick a day of the week and a time of day (ideally morning, before you eat & after you've been to the loo!) and make that your official weigh day. Just compare those weekly figures and you should see the downward trend. Weighing between times doesn't mean a lot as your weight will vary naturally from day to day.
Okay. I will see what happens next week before I get too bummed. Thank you for the support. Nice to know I'm not the only one going through the ups and downs.
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