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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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This is now week 9 and i have been doing well losing about a 1lb a week, but for some reason i've been struggling with it last week and this week. My normal fast days are mondays and wednesdays, but yesterday i gave up mid morning (first time that's happened) so started again today. I did fine until dinner, when serving up my fish and veg i grabbed some of the kids fries which added 200 cals just like that! Felt really fed up with myself, but found it so hard to resist when putting the kids dinner out.

I'm so worried about falling off the wagon so to speak and piling all the weight and more back on. Do you really think this diet is sustainable and can change a lifetime of habits?

Appreciate your thoughts
K :-(
Dont beat yourself up, you have 2 little ones to look after and they are hard work and would try the patience of a saint sometimes !!! Its 5:2 diet for a reason there are 7 days in the week you only have to choose 2 of those days. If it doesn't happen on the planned day move on you've now got another 6 to choose from. Yes I do think its sustainable and can change a lifetimes bad habits. I'm 55 now have been dieting on and off since I was 15 , and I can honestly say it the most relaxed I have been around food in all those years. Push on take each day as it comes and I'm convinced it will work for you.
I've got 2 big kids aged 12 and 14 and they have a mind of there own. They like to bake cakes and eat crisps by the ton! What I do is on a fast day give them something I don't particularly like but they think they are getting a treat. I also let them have ginger nuts which I don't like. The other thing I do is to say no to them when they are asking for yet another snack, it's piece of fruit or nothing at all!
Hi bigkat, don't beat yourself up, it happens to all of us. So you had an extra 200 calories on your fast day, you still had less calories than on a normal day so I will still count it as a fast day.
What they said! Plus, do read the transcript of the interview with Dr M: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=2366
He talks about cravings etc and not beating yourself up about slipping up...really good stuff!
Thanks everyone for your support and useful tips. I have 3 little ones (8, 6 & 3) and can find fasting days difficult when they are looking for snacks etc. i have up until now managed to resist, but today was hard! I think because it wasn't my usual day it upset my routine and i wasn't as prepared. I agree with you wildmissus that i'd be better off feeding them something i don't really like on fast days. I did refuse to give my youngest any treats today too other than a homemade chocolate milkshake. I try not to make much of my diet days, so i call them extra healthy days when we eat more fruit and veg, which she enjoys.

Thanks weaselsmummy too for making the point about how compared to previous attempts on diets, this one makes you feel more relaxed around food. I totally agree with you about that and the fact i am still doing it at 9 weeks speaks volumes in itself with regard to my usual staying power for diets!

Anyway, onwards and upwards, hopefully Thursday will be a better day for me this week and i'll get back to mondays and wednesdays next week.

Thanks again and thanks carorees too for the link, makes me feel positive again.

Kat :-)
I have three kids too (7, 7 &6) and I find it easiest if we all eat the same thing. I just make theirs with extra pasta or potato so if we are having fish and salad, they will have fish, salad and steamed potatoes.
I have 2 1/2 yo twins. I plan my fast days on mornings that they go to preschool. That gets me out of feeding them lunch and a snack. Then I hold off eating until they wake up from naps and have a snack with them. We eat dinner together. They don't always eat what I eat but I'm ok as long as I get to eat something. I feel like 5:2 has great potential because I can be less restrictive the other 5 days a week. Hang in there!
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