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Helping myself mentally
21 Mar 2013, 15:49
I'm still new to this diet, so not in any way a pro here, but I just wanted to share what I do to keep myself motivated mentally. I'm halfway thru my 3rd week. I'm happy with my results so far....7 lbs. gone! But I'm one of those bad people that weigh myself everyday. Just can't help it! :curse: Of course I see a 1 or 2 pound gain periodically, but I just put it out of my mind. I don't count it as a gain, I forget about it and move on. Even if the gain is on my weigh in day, I don't count it! Well I haven't had to do that yet, because I've only had 2 weigh ins, and they both showed a loss. But I know I'm going to have weeks where I don't lost, or might gain. I'm just going to ignore it, learn from it, and try even harder the next week and move on! I'm on this plan to lose weight, and I'm only going to dwell on the positive. We are all going to have bad weeks every now and then! Another thing I do to get thru my fast days, is that I keep telling myself that I'm cleansing my body of all that I put in the last 2-3 days. I drink a gallon of water on my fast days, and it really feels good when I tell myself that I'm washing away all the crap I've eaten. Like I said, I'm new to this, but I just wanted to share how I get thru some of the hard parts of this diet.
Re: Helping myself mentally
21 Mar 2013, 15:59
Hi cindyls - Congratulations on your weight loss so far - that's great! You sound just like I feel: it's psychological more than physical, isn't it? I find it helps if I think of my fast days as repair days; and this has carried me through days like my weighing day last week, when I'd lost nothing. If I look at the profiles of people who've been on the Fast Diet for months, I can see that no one has followed a smooth path downwards - which is a great comfort to me. Keep going, and keep posting! Sarah
Re: Helping myself mentally
21 Mar 2013, 16:37
Hi cindyls, congrats on the results so far. I weigh myself daily as well, out of interest - I like to see the variation of every day life, which enables me not to take a single measure too seriously (have you tried measuring yourself twice within minutes - even that varies). Just like you, I put incidental gains out of my mind as normal variations.
What helped me a lot in times of apparent weight loss stagnation was keeping track of other measures: waist, hip, thigh, bust, etc. There was always something to be positive about.
Good luck, keep up the good work, and keep us posted!
Re: Helping myself mentally
21 Mar 2013, 20:24
Hi - I weigh myself pretty much daily and track my weight and my fat percentage. What I notice is I may go up and down but the trend is still down. That helps me not get too hung up on any one day... Constipation or otherwise plays a role in the figures too
Re: Helping myself mentally
21 Mar 2013, 20:38
After kencc posted about the Libra app for providing a trend line with daily weighing, I downloaded the app and have started weighing daily. It's quite interesting and the trend line gives you confidence that you are still losing weight!
Re: Helping myself mentally
23 Mar 2013, 15:07
Hi everyone -

Strangely, though I've lost 11 lb so far, and my trousers feel much more comfortable, I've recorded practically no reduction in my tape measure stats (bust, waist, hips, thighs). This is a bit of a puzzle, but not one which troubles me particularly. I think measuring a squidgy thing like the human body is difficult to do consistently anyway. Anyone else noticed this?

Also - can anyone tell me how to post a private message to a forum member? I've tried a couple of times, but am met by a message which says something like 'unable to add this person to the mailing list'. I know I'm doing something wrong, and I'd be v. grateful to any of you who can point me in the right direction.

Enjoy the weekend!

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