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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Hello all!
I'm new here and new on the 5:2 plan. I don't even have the book since it is not for sale where I live but I will have it -hopefully- in about a month.
Thanks to a friend who's got the book and is on the diet I know all there is to know but I was wondering whether has anybody done the 500/600 fasting but not with the 12 hours interval between the meals and if they saw any results.
I have calculated that for the 2 days of the week I must eat upto 441 calories but I am not sure that I will be able to allow 12 hours between breakfast and dinner because of my sensitive (and sometimes demanding) stomach.
Just to clarify, I am OK with the amount of calories; it's the space between meals that is worrying me.
Thanks in advance for your replies!!!
12 hours overnight, not between actual meals. I certainly don't do that. I have lunch and then tea, then snack if necessary after 9pm.

Lots of people miss both brekkie and lunch, others do brekkie and main meal, some people do 3 small meals, it's up to you.
I can't go all day without food. Apparently women do find this harder. I missed breakfast - finished eating round 7 last night but must admit to a few cheeky glasses of wine through the evening. So far today - and it's 16.30 - I've had a tin of Heinz WW soup. Will have my main meal - such as it is - round 7 followed by a banana just before I go to bed to stave off the hunger pangs. I think you have to parcel out your 500/600 cals in a way to suit yourself if you're going to be doing this for the rest of your life. I've been doing it since end September and have not 'cheated' once. I don't think I'd last if I tried to go all day without at least a taste of food.
Oh my, I got it all wrong then!!!
I thought that I was supposed to eat all calories in one meal or two meals with 12 hours between them.
So, I can have a breaky of -let's say- 100 calories and two meals of 150 within the +/- 36 hours of fasting?
I assume that fasting lasts around 36 hours since it involves 2 sleeps, right?
I eat a small breakfast, snack in afternoon and a small dinner on my fast days to equal 500 calories total. This works well for me :)
Yes, it now makes sense, one should adjust if they want to keep doing this for a long time.
I'm glad I can do 3 meals, I know I can succeed!!!
It's most important to get it to suit you, then it's very sustainable.

I've not cheated either in coming up to 3 months, with fasting every other day until now. I do indeed plan and have my treats the next day, I haven't lost very fast but it is very sustainable and I intend to keep going, but with 4:3 for now then 5:2, etc.
I too am considering to go 4:3 if I see that 5:2 goes well. This forum is very helpful, thanks a lot for your replies!!!
Thanks to you and my friend who told me about this I found a diet that suits me perfectly!!!
I find I loose weight at the speed I want to on 4:3.

Oh and I am a bloke and I try for less than 500.

Also when I eat the 400 or so cal dinners I am right stuffed and don't go to bed or wake up hungry!

Takes all sorts.
Out of curiosity, which days do you choose to fast? I think that Mon, Wed, Fri would suit me better. Now I go for Tue and Fri.
I do Monday and Thursday and I eat nothing until my evening meal when I have a meal within 500 cals. It means I do a 24 hr fast which suits me. I tried eating small meals but was never satisfied. It is a case of tweaking it to suit you.
I've always done a 24 hour fast and then all my calories in one hit. I don't find it hard at all and am surprised that Dr M says women find it harder. It looks to me that there is no gender bias between the people who have just one meal, the two meals group and the three meals group!

Everyone is different and so it's worth experimenting to see what works best. Many people who thought they wouldn't be able to cope without three meals find that just one is easier! You just have to try out different ways of coping with fast days.
I'm a 3 meal person - I am seeing results
WOW! Thank you all very much! Tomorrow is my second fasting day!!!
FAO, Bobshouse.
I found this today and thought of you and what you said about milk? ... ilk-recipe

Make your own ? x
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