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I have an eating disorder......
22 Mar 2013, 08:30
I binge, starve, binge, starve! The list is too long to mention what i eat yesterday but i consumed so much chocolate/sweet stuff, i even made a trip to the supermarket after work to buy ''binge food'' for that evening then i felt so so sick i was lying on the bathroom floor for an hour crying.

Already today i have consumed my calories for the day and it's only early morning here.

I have made a doctor's appointment for next week.
Well done jackdaniels. Good on you for recognising that you have a problem and taking that first step.

We're all rooting for you and will give you all the support we can. :)
Well done jackdaniels, you're doing the right thing. Hour all goes well at the doctors, feel free to drop in for some support, but please do not attempt 5:2 again, its not the right lifestyle for someone in your situation xxx
Good morning Jackdaliels,

You poor thing, I'm so sorry that you are having such a hard time with your demons but the good thing is that you recognise what you are doing, admit it and have done something positive to address the situation. I know it is no comfort to you that most of us have done something similar at least once in our lives so you are not alone in this. Here is a copy of a post I did some time ago to someone who was having uncontrolable chocolate cravings. This is serious subject but perhaps if you can see the daft side of your behaviour and learn to be kinder to yourself you may start to feel better about yourself........

"I don't normally have a problem with chocolate cravings but the other day I was climbing the walls so I decided to give in and the Tunnocks Caramel Waifers went down faster than the Titanic. I'd like to say that I stopped after the chocolate but I then went on to eat a butter mountain, drink a wine lake and finally demolish a bread basket, no bread, just the basket, delish!!!"..............

Don't give up on yourself, just pick yourself up, dust yourself off and start all over again, as the song says. Good luck,

Ballerina xxx
Well done for making the appointment that is a really positive step. Did you see my last message to you? I gave you my personal email. Please do contact me for support. Even if just to unload. There are obviously deep seated problems that need unravelling and if I can help I will. It is a horrid situation to be in and knowing you are harming yourself does not help. Do not even try to diet for now but try to stop the mad binge. Until you see the doc have a go at cutting back the size of your binge. This is how I did it. I slowly reduced the amount I was 'allowed' to eat. By giving myself permission to over eat it took away the panic and need to binge. Now a days as I have said before my binges are modest and for me 5:2 has been the final key as it has clearly shown me I can control what goes in my mouth. You are not in this place yet. It does not mean you have failed or are useless you are just not ready yet to flick the switch in your brain. I will be thinking of you and sincerely hope you are able to crack this pattern.
Bobs house has said it all. Well done on taking the first steps to recovery
Keep posting even if you wait to begin 5.2. We are all here to listen.
Hi Jackdaniels, is it especially sugary things that you tend to binge on? From what I have learned here this seems like a classic reaction to an insulin spike, and it is a risk when you break your fast - I've certainly experienced it.

Binge on low GI and/or low carb foods - see some suggestions in the green box here, to which you can add eggs, meat, fish. These foods should make you feel full without making you feel hungry again shortly afterwards. Don't touch the stuff in the red box!

We all have bad days, do keep the doctor's appointment but don't beat yourself up too much...

P.S. Great name you chose but the whiskey probably isn't helping! :wink:
Very glad you made the appointment. I agree that a diet like 5:2 is absolutely inappropriate for someone with an eating disorder (which includes my mom and my sister).

I hope you get some great help with this :-)
Hi Jackdaniels

I've been wondering about you since your last post and hoping you had reached the point where seeking professional help seemed the best way forward. I was immensely moved visualising you on your bathroom floor, crying.

There is no shame in admitting you have a problem and, in fact, it takes a lot of courage and insight to realise you can't tackle your problem on your own. I'm a psychologist but that hasn't meant that I have felt in control of my life most of the time - quite the reverse. Ironic, really.

There's a lot of support around for people with eating disorders, and it can can be successfully and sympathetically addressed and corrected. The problem is that there is often a long waiting list if you go via your GP - that's not to say this isn't the correct route to follow and I would encourage you to keep your appointment next week. Your GP will have extensive experience most likely of treating patients with similar problems and will be able to point you in the right direction. Additionally, there are organizations who deal with eating disorders outside the NHS, some you have to pay, some free, and these can be a very useful resource whilst waiting for the appointment your GP should make for you at an eating disorders clinic/CBT therapist. Sometimes you can get conflicting advice from some of the sites online, so please feel free to pm me if you feel you'd like to explore this and would like recommendations. In the meantime, my advice would be to cease all attempts to diet in any form - this will only cause you further anxiety and grief.

I really admire you confronting a difficult and painful reality - this is the beginning of your healing journey and I wish you all the luck in the world.

Marlene x
Jackdaniels, well done on making your appointment. Be very tender with yourself, my heart goes out to you in such a difficult situation. If you are in the UK, you may have to be prepared to keep prodding your doctor until you get referral to an eating disorder clinic, although counselling will help, especially if the counsellor is specially trained. But persevere, and the best of luck in your healing journey XX
Hi JD, I think you've been enormously brave to admit that you have a problem. You're doing absolutely the right thing by going to the doctor. I wish you all the very best - keep posting as there are lots of us here who've been touched by your story. Hugs xxx
Just to echo what everyone else has said. You are in a difficult place and are very brave to tell. Please try and look at yourself as you would want others to look at you- with kind eyes.
Best of luck with the doctor and any other sources of help you choose to use. And we're here
Hi, just to say my thoughts are with you and I look forward to reading more of your posts x
Thanks for the replies.

I don't know why i do it or what triggers it but it is the most bizarre feeling ever - i literally can not stop once i get going!

Yesterday cost me over ten pounds just in 'binge' food, i went round all the bakeries in town buying cakes - when i bought more than once, i lied to the shop assistant and said i was buying them for a meeting at work.

I bought 2 flapjacks, 2 choc shortbread biscuits, 2 large cookies, oriental duck wrap, 2 bags of chcocolate walnuts, 1 bag of foam sweets, 2 kit-kats, 2 choc rocky bars, 2 bags of crisps, a massive tray of ham cheese mayo pasta, 2 bowls of porridge with 1/2 jar of honey, peanut butter on toast washed down with about 5 cans of diet coke and hot chocolate throughout the day.

I am naturally a careful person with money and will not spend for the sake of it but i actually went to the cash machine and took out 15 pounds and it's all gone now!

Today i will not eat anything - unfortunately it is something strong in my head that wont allow me to eat!

I have my doctor's appointment on Tuesday.

Thanks again for the support.
Good luck.

I hope it all works out, I just wish I hadn't read your binge food from yesterday, I am fasting and it's made me feel hungry!
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