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I thought I wanted cake...
23 Mar 2013, 15:21
So, hubby and I popped into town this morning to run some errands, and while there I passed by the local fancy cupcake place. I've always wanted to try one, but none of the ones in the window looked too appealing and I felt like the sweet buttercream would just make my throat tickle.

Next stop was Wilko, and I hoped they might have a slice of their choc fudge cake. They didn't have most of what I went there for, and no fudge cake either.

Past another baker, didn't even look in the window.

At Tesco I spent some time assessing the various bakery cakes & cream cakes etc. Nothing jumped out as being what I fancied.

So I got on with the shopping and thought I'd come back to it. Well, on going to get some bananas, it turns out that what I was really after was a mango.

How random! I don't think I've ever selected mango over cake before. Seldom anything over cake when it comes to a sweet treat ;)

I've just it and it was divine. I know they're one of the more calorific fruits, but it's got to be healthier than a piece of cake, and it's certainly filled me up more.

I blame Lost. We've been re-watching it recently and all they seemed to eat for the first season was mangos.

So, have you made any unexpected snack choices recently? I mean it's one thing to err towards healthier meals, but to want fruit instead of cake? What's happening to me?! :D
Re: I thought I wanted cake...
23 Mar 2013, 15:27
Exact same thing happened with me. No cake appealed just some nice-looking tangerines. Going to make a big sausage casserole shortly...
Re: I thought I wanted cake...
23 Mar 2013, 15:52
Had my mango this morning :)
Re: I thought I wanted cake...
23 Mar 2013, 15:58
OK, so I live in Greece. I am a half-Brit and I visit the UK (well, London) quite often -although I haven't been there for 2 years and I blame Murphy's Law.
In Greece, we have many fruit and veggies but we don't have berries with the exception of strawberries. Even when I do find berries in the supermarket, they are so expensive that I can't think of reaching out and taking them.
So, everytime I find meself in an M&S foodhall, I grab all the berries I can take and eat them like they are the best cake, sweet, dessert, pudding EVER!!! Sometimes I add a bit of custard but I mainly have the fruit and they taste like the best treat I've ever had, over and over and over again!!!
Re: I thought I wanted cake...
23 Mar 2013, 16:42
We had our mango last night - after fish and chips!
Re: I thought I wanted cake...
23 Mar 2013, 18:25
Moogie, this is very curious.........I want veg! I'm not too great at having my 5 a day normally - more like 5 portions of sweet snacks. :oops:

On Saturday's we normally have breaded fish, wedges and Heinz beans followed by a pudding of ice cream or yogurt. Today I've just had a tuna, coriander and lime fishcake with wedges and salad followed by cheese on digestives. I've got a big bag of doritos to share for later with a wee glass of wine or two.

It is actually possible that today I might not have any chocolate, cake, serious biscuits. :smile:
Re: I thought I wanted cake...
23 Mar 2013, 19:06
We went out for a Mexican meal last night and when it came to dessert time I plumped for a cup of chamomile tea instead! Now there's a first!!
Re: I thought I wanted cake...
23 Mar 2013, 19:43
What I find interesting is that on my non fast days I allow myself anything I want, but I don't overeat or binge like I used to - probably because nothing is limited and the feeling of deprivation is gone.

Yesterday I decided I wanted vanilla icecream. I usually buy the sugar free or low fat or low calorie kind, but this time, after reading all the awful ingredients in those icecreams, decided I wanted a quality icecream with readable, real ingredients. We bought a very rich, "real" vanilla icecream, and I ate a smaller amount than I would have eaten with the other kind. I also enjoyed it so much more. The taste was exquisite compared to the other kind.

So I can see myself veering toward more high quality, richer foods now that I don't have to eat low fat anymore. But I don't overdo them and eat them mindfully.

Now THAT's a revelation!
Re: I thought I wanted cake...
23 Mar 2013, 20:23
I hear you OP. I've been craving broccoli all day and am now about to eat a massive bowl of it for dinner (then ice cream!).
Re: I thought I wanted cake...
24 Mar 2013, 17:31
I've gone mad for beetroot...
Re: I thought I wanted cake...
24 Mar 2013, 17:34
javajive wrote: What I find interesting is that on my non fast days I allow myself anything I want, but I don't overeat or binge like I used to - probably because nothing is limited and the feeling of deprivation is gone.

Yesterday I decided I wanted vanilla icecream. I usually buy the sugar free or low fat or low calorie kind, but this time, after reading all the awful ingredients in those icecreams, decided I wanted a quality icecream with readable, real ingredients. We bought a very rich, "real" vanilla icecream, and I ate a smaller amount than I would have eaten with the other kind. I also enjoyed it so much more. The taste was exquisite compared to the other kind.

So I can see myself veering toward more high quality, richer foods now that I don't have to eat low fat anymore. But I don't overdo them and eat them mindfully.

Now THAT's a revelation!

This is exactly the point I think a lot of people miss. That mental relaxation allows better choices.
Re: I thought I wanted cake...
24 Mar 2013, 17:50
British Weather apologises for the continued Winter delaying the arrival of Spring. Any resemblance to normal service is entirely coincidental.
Though March winds will blow and we shall have snow and what will the robin do then, poor thing?
I have just had a burning desire for salad. Must be the longer daylight hours ...
Re: I thought I wanted cake...
24 Mar 2013, 18:48
I recognise so much of what you all been saying. Once or twice a week I decide to have a chocy treat. Can't decide what to have from all the choices in front of me. Get bored with it all and leave without buying any.
Never bought so much fruit and veg and OH now disgusted by my habit of swigging down the liquid that veg has been steamed in. Yum.
Re: I thought I wanted cake...
24 Mar 2013, 19:46
I called in at Sainsbury's today, just before early Sunday closing. All their bread, cake, hot cross buns etc were drastically reduced in price. What did I buy? A lovely cabbage, some green beans, mushrooms, eggs, full fat non-homogenised milk and a tin of Colman's mustard powder! I would NEVER, EVER have left the cheapo stuff before doing this 5:2 malarky, and today is a fast day. But previously I would have found any excuse to load up with bakery products--but I just wasn't interested one little bit. It is a wonderful feeling, being in charge of my own wellbeing, and knowing that tomorrow will soon be here, if I need to indulge a little.
Re: I thought I wanted cake...
25 Mar 2013, 21:48
That happened to me in the staff canteen a few weeks back. I'd gone up to grab something for breakfast; a croissant perhaps. But nothing looked that great - so I had a banana.
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