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Binge guilt - why do we do it?
25 Mar 2013, 21:09
Had a bad day emotionally. Things bad at home at the moment plus got PMS. So in my infinite wisdom (desperation?), I've mindlessly eaten a large bag of peanut m&ms AND a large bag of Maltesers... :( Feel sick & disgusting. Don't even know why I ate them, I felt crap & just kept ploughing through them & now feel gross.

Why do some of us binge eat to cope with certain emotions?
You know as you are doing it that it won't help & will only make you feel worse, so why?!

Ugh, feel so horrible :( glad today is nearly over!
Tastes good going down! Who doesn't love Peanut M&M's??? Yummo.

I do stuff like that, too. It is a distraction. I generally don't keep the stuff in the house. If I start eating it, sometimes I will pour coffee on it so I stop.

Last time I pigged out, I simply fasted the following day to get all the junk out of my system.

Tomorrow is another day. Pick up and move on. That's what we do.
You've answered your own question.

Fix the things at home and then you wouldn't be comfort eating. Easier said than done!
I think it's for several reasons...sugar can give a temporary high, our mothers often consoled us with food so we connect the two together, breast milk is sweet so even as babies a link between sweetness and comfort is created, sugary foods are often called treats and if we are feeling down we think a treat is in order...those are just a few possibilities!

It was interesting what Dr M said in the recent interview viewtopic.php?f=3&t=2366 about breaking our fasts with vegetables making new connections in our brains: which is that hunger or discomfort can be solved by eating vegetables. He thinks it can create a craving for vegetables rather than sweet things. I've yet to experience it but fingers crossed eh?
To be honest, I don't know. I never relate my eating to my emotions, I only eat because I like it. I have friends who don't eat when they are in love, friends who don't eat when they are sad, friends who don't eat when they are stressed... I just haven't found anything that stops me from eating. Hence there is nothing that makes me eat more. Nothing but my love for food, LOL!
I don't know if that's worse or better but all I can say is that food tastes better when you're happy so fix your problems and eat when you want to eat, because you are hungry or even because you fancy the taste of the food.
I love eating - so binging is very pleasurable. I particularly love M&Ms peanuts and anything galaxy based. So instead I still buy chocolate but things I don't tend to gorge on as much.

I found from the day after the first fast I am now better able to control my comfort eating - that said I still have had at least 3 calorie blowouts around the 3000cals a day mark in the last 3 weeks - but have still lost 12lbs..

Don't beat yourself up. Fast the 2 days and try and do a bit more exercise hopefully things will start to fall into place over time
Hi Sophieh,

"Binge guilt.."

If this wasn't a Fast day = Don't beat yourself up about it!

Sometimes, we just need to peg out. Just keep track on how often this happens. I try and keep it to one blow-out day a week (Friday for me).

If this was a Fast day = Then don't beat yourself up about it either!

Just take it for what it was and consider adding another fast day back into the weekly schedule. One of the strengths of 5:2 is it's flexibility and being able to fit in with us and our very human lives and foibles. Hopefully, this will provide for a strategy of sustainability that will keep is on track to reach our goals.

I have suffered a "blip" this week, as a result of too much chocolate over the last few days, but this is due to it being "time of the month", when i get sweet cravings and my appetite goes through the roof. I always gain around 2-3lbs. But today was a fast day, so hopefully i am back on track now and should have lost this by next Monday's weigh in. Does anyone else pig out on all the wrong things when its this time. I know i shouldn't have eaten it, but it feels good at the time!!!! its only for a few days every month, or that's what i tell myself.
My doctor says that we must listen to our body. There are reasons why we crave for sweets during those days and we must not overlook it. Neither should we overdo it though. I prefer good chocolate (over 70% cocoa) or homemade jams that I make with more fruit and less sugar. I also use brown sugar, which is better.
Yes i know they say that the dark chocolate is better for you, but i find this too strong for my tastebuds. I dont go too overboard and eat eveything in sight, but i have always been like this. I need to find something better that satisfies my sweet craving but is less calorific
In this case, find a milk chocolate that is of good quality. There is a reason why some chocolates are cheaper than others, they contain more sugar and butter than cocoa.
Perhaps you should consider making your own sweets? It deffo makes them less calorific than the ones we buy.
I have done similar but I also think I am subconsciously "testing" this woe to see if I can still lose weight even if I eat quite good and the weight has still come off x
Well, then... keep going, mate!!! :-)
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