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Eating advice please
26 Mar 2013, 20:16
Following Caroline's link to (yet another!) TDEE calculator on another thread, the results show the following advice for the data I have entered:


I'm going for the "extreme fat loss"...

Keeping in mind the suggestion to mix it up a bit, I thought I'd plan along these lines:
1637 x 7 = 11459
    Mon = 500
    Tues = 2400
    Wed = 800
    Thur = 2000
    Frid = 500
    Sat = 2600
    Sun = 2600
Total = 11400

(If this is incorrect, please let me know.)

Frankly, I really cannot see how I'm going to eat that much :bugeyes:
I aimed to eat 1800 cal today, but after an early breakfast, I couldn't face any lunch. I had a mid-afternoon snack and a hefty diner and still couldn't go over 1460 cal for the day...
I suppose I could "force" some chocolate down :wink:, but that's not really the way to do it, is it?

How do you do it?
Re: Eating advice please
26 Mar 2013, 20:23
Wow Keihira that's seems awfully confusing to me. I though this was supposed to be simple :confused: What about 2 fast days a week and the rest eating healthy ( and Easter eggs).
Re: Eating advice please
26 Mar 2013, 20:25
i am working on around 11400 for the week with 2 roughly 500-600 days then aim for around 1800-1900 for 3 days and around 2200-2300 on weekends - beer and pub luncehes :smile: , not sure what that works out too off the top off my head as my spreadsheet :geek: is at work
some weeks i have gone to around 12300 cals and others have been around 10800 but i have been losing weight all the time so far and have lost about 14lbs so far

Re: Eating advice please
26 Mar 2013, 20:32
I wouldn't force yourself to eat more! If your body doesn't want the food I doubt that the TDEE calculation is correct. I find that a glass or two of wine, a piece of cake or some nibbles before dinner at a weekend will take my calorie count up. I would say that if you are into low fat eating then you would be able to relax and have the full fat options. And then just eat up to your appetite. The calculators are far from perfect. Oh and enjoy your weekends!
Re: Eating advice please
26 Mar 2013, 20:38
jeniben wrote: hi
i am working on around 11400 for the week with 2 roughly 500-600 days then aim for around 1800-1900 for 3 days and around 2200-2300 on weekends - beer and pub lunches :smile: , not sure what that works out too off the top off my head as my spreadsheet :geek: is at work
some weeks i have gone to around 12300 cals and others have been around 10800 but i have been losing weight all the time so far and have lost about 14lbs so far


Thanks for the reply, jeniben. :smile:
I can barely eat over 1400 on a non-fasting day, let alone 2400! :confused:
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