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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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I have one pair of super skinny jeans that I've been hoping to wear when I dropped enough weight. Well, tonight I wore them out! At one point I could not pull them over my hips, but tonight I was stunned to find out they fit well enough to wear. Of course, they are still snug and I still have a muffin top when I wear them, but hopefully that will change in a few weeks. Anyhow, I was so excited, I had to post.

My pants were so tight tonight that I didn't drink any beer or order fries. I guess that says something.

Tomorrow I fast!


Congratulations! What a wonderful feeling.
YAY! well done. I've got on one of my shrunk dresses today and it feels gooooooood! Still a way to go but tres relaxed about it . Bet those jeans looked great!
I wore my skinny jeans too yesterday, and could actually sit down in them in comfort :oops: it's a nice feeling isn't it :grin:
I wore a pair to work today which only just fit after Christmas and they now feel positively loose. I love this WOE!
Well done Rufus! I had to buy a pair of size 36 skinny jeans (size 8 uk, size 2 US) because my others are too big now. It's a good feeling;)
It's a great feeling. All my clothes look better on me know. I love my clothes, and I love being able to wear them and feel good. Hopefully, in another month, the muffin top will be gone and the pants will fit more comfortably on me. I love being able to eat whatever I want I fast days. I still get to enjoy (maybe even more so), things like chocolate covered almonds and a bit of cheese now and then. I can't say enough good things about this diet. Too bad I can't get any of my American friends to join. Why are Americans so stubborn to change????
I'd just bought size 10 always skinny jeans from Gap, and they're falling off my butt now. Yay for getting smaller, but boo for not fitting my new jeans! :-(
Hurrah! Congratulations x
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