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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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You look back and it seems such a waste doesn't it? I remember being invited to a posh reception. I'd been struggling to get my weight down for months and as the day loomed I was well and truly stalled. I looked at my plate of amazing food and though how eating it would undo weeks of strict dieting. I also thought that I'd be unlikely to get the opportunity to try such amazing food on my budget ever again! Obviously the food won! :lol: anyway, toi cutr it short, I ate the food and put the diet out of my head and got weighed the following morning to a 4lb weight loss!

Now I don't have a wild social life but at least I know that if an opportunity arises I can just go out and enjoy it and not give a thought to diets and eating limitations. Its brilliant!
My friend says "I ate it but it was eating me" and by that she means that she is eating but she has a guilt feeling. Food should be a pleasure and nothing less.
That of course doesn't mean that we should eat to be happy -like some people do- but to be happy when we eat because we enjoy our food. Either it is a posh meal or a crappy meal of junk food, it has to be an enjoyment!!!
TML13 wrote: That of course doesn't mean that we should eat to be happy -like some people do - but to be happy when we eat because we enjoy our food.

And one of the grrrrreat (and completely unexpected) side-effects of 5:2 is just how delicious every mouthful tastes. Unbelievable!
TML 13, you touched an important point. Many dieters have terrible guilt feelings after eating an extra unplanned small treat and this usually ends up with a binge since they feel they ruined their diet so why don't they endulge temselvs until their stomach burst??? We don't have this here. An extra treat doesn't matter... Even if you started a fast day and can't continue...tomorrow is another day. This is the beauty of this plan. It brings back the common sense to our life and allows us to change our perception of food. Food is no longer our enemy. There should be no more association between food and guilt!
I love everybody's comments!
As I read them, I start to think that every diet is made by people who like to torture other people.

Take this for example:
<<and the plan I was on before was telling me how to minimise my holiday eating, what sort of fun is that?!!>>
Seriously, whoever made this plan should go to prison.

You know, the greek word for holiday is "diakopes" which means "interruptions". And by that it's meant that we interrupt whatever we do on our everyday lives (work, get tired, consider what we eat, tolerate obnoxious people etc) and we do stuff that we REALLY enjoy. Well forgive me, but I ENJOY food!!!
Well put everyone! Can only chime in and agree.
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