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I have a friend who would kick the programme's arse. He eats 5000 calories before he even returns home from work. And he is so thin that it's almost worrying.
I could eat over 3500 calories in a day but only if I could choose what to eat. In Athens, I eat 1200-1300 calories on a normal day. In London, I eat 1200 calories before it's even noon!!!
Maybe. But one of the things that the programme showed was that most of these self-appointed 'big eaters' weren't actually eating big normally. Most (not all) fessed up when faced with having to eat yet another tub of ice cream that they would normally stop when they felt full. Pathetic! So I suspect there are a lot more people (esp. men) who talk as if they ate 5000 calories per day but if you really checked you find they were eating more like 2500. (Of course it depends on exercise too, I know; in the programme it was banned.)
My friends and I can eat a lot! When we go out for a meal we are 2 and we eat like 4. When we order the food the waiting staff asks if we are expecting company.
I know that many people claim to eat a lot and they don't but I know a big eater when I see one and I'm surrounded by many of them (which is not good because we carry each other away).
Izzy, your will power is amazing! In your situation my dilemma would be whether I just ate it all in one go and got it out of the way or whether to try and ration it out over a few days. It would never see the bin!

I gave up smoking many years ago and I do think its easier than trying to alter the way you eat. For me it was easier to avoid the trigger situations. You have to have food to exist, cigs are certainly not essential to life! Its hard not to spend a great deal of time with your mind on food particularly when you have a family. You are always planning meals for the week and sorting out supplies, packed lunches etc. How many of us have thought how much easier it would be if we were rich and famous with other people to do all the cooking and serving of delicious, low calorie meals while we trolled off to the pool? :smile:
IME, but that's just that, MY experience, some people are lucky to eat loads and stay thin.
My mum needs to do the "discipline" 3 times a year while the rest of the year she eats pork belly, leaves out the belly and eats only the fat!!! It's not the discipline that keeps her slim, it's just an addition to her luck of not gaining weight.
Mind you that I am the one who gave her that gift. Before having me, she was chubby. After my birth, there was some hormonal change and she kept losing and losing and losing her pregnancy weight and then her overweight and then she was a thin Goddess and remained as such. She should be thanking ME everyday of her life. YES!!! :-)
My best friend is one of those naturally thin people and she eats a lot but as Dominic says if you look at what she eats the calorific value is not high. She does not snack, she has had 4 boxes of chocs in full view in her house since Christmas - they will probably go off before she gets round to eating them. She is a fan of Jamie Oliver Recipes which she accompanies with huge side salads. She doesn't normally eat puddings and she often skips breakfast. Her idea of a treat would be to have a quality cornish pasty for lunch. She does all this because she wants to not because she watches her weight.

Where I live there are two old fashioned sweetie shops and I could graze all day long on a quarter of butter nuts/sweetpeanuts/kola cubes etc. My meals are good healthy meals but I constantly 'treat' myself with chocolates, sweets, biscuits throughout the day.
I think that if you eat just enough to be thin then you aren't naturally thin. IMO, only if you eat like a pig and stay thin you're naturally thin. But that usually stops at any age between 30 and 40.

BTW, I still have chocolate left from Xmas and I eat chocolate almost everyday. I do buy more than I need though and I don't fancy eating the same stuff everyday. You can find the same tub of ice cream in my freezer for two weeks but that's not because I don't eat sweets. It's because one day I'll eat ice cream, the next I'll eat a chochie, the next something else and so on and on and on.
OP your 'friend' is a frenemy.
High five! Better to waste than to waist, I always say.
Rufus wrote: High five! Better to waste than to waist, I always say.

My grandmother would have you shot, LOLOLOLOLOL!!!!
Pip wrote: OP your 'friend' is a frenemy.

Was that from Sex and the City? The term "frenemy"?
Oh dear I just ate an Easter egg while I was reading.
Wow Izzy, well done on that weight loss.

My naturally slim friend has never has kids!!! I've had 2 by c-section, so I have a line that everything hangs over - a bit like a roman blind.
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