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Good work! And if you do feel the need for a chocolate hit after all, there's always OH's egg... :wink:
Wow Izzy I am liking your style!!

I think you should probably get some award or definitely a certificate at the very least!

No one ever buys us alcoholic's wine though, we get crappy chocolate too!
That's amazing Izzy! Well done, but... step away from the bin... :wink:

You get today's bravery award...
Well impressed.

After 5:2ing for nearly 3 months I can now have chocolate in the house for more than 2 minutes. :smile: The problem comes when I just go for a wee bit , then a wee bit more...oh well I may as well eat it all. :wink:

What day is bin day? You could still be at risk. :lol:

Have you tried eating very dark chocolate? I eat the 90% stuff and because it's so dark and rich I don't need much of it and it takes away the cravings. Very dark choc has lots of health benefits and once you get a taste for it, you'll find that the usual crap we eat just tastes of veg oil and refined sugar.
On Easter Sunday I'm going to have half a Green & Blacks 70% dark choc egg - pure indulgence with less guilt ;-)
I've bought a bar of 99% Lindt for my OH for Easter in the hope that she might let me try some. Will be well miffed if I find it at the bottom of the rubbish bin :smile:
Izzy, Kencc, Intersting......I too am an ex smoker, I gave up after one session of hypnotherapy (19 years, 4 months and 6 days ago!!!). Although I scoff down chocolate I can't bare sugar in my tea. I do drink wine but only about a bottle a month. We seem to have similarities to the sugar addition.

I have tried hypnotherapy for weight loss and whilst is brought up emotional issues and dealt with them it didn't help with the weight.

I had recently read a post by marlathome who is a psychologist lumping alcohol, drugs and sugar addictions together. That made me consider what if I started thinking of eating a chocolate as eating a cigarette? Yuk!
Well impressed Izzy.......can I ask a big favour .......please can you bottle some of that willpower & send it my way :?: :lol:
Kencc interested to here you have managed to beat your sugar addiction, I have the same problem & thought it was something I'd have live with.
Great story! Good for you.

Now if you'll excuse me there's a vending machine at our trade counter that has my name on it. For some reason I'm had a sudden hankering for something.
Well done Izzy
Just a thought is your friend a drainer rather a radiator I.e negative rather than a positive person to have around? Sometimes a "friend" needs to sabotage because they can't cope with your new positive attitude!
On the chocolate front I currently have five Easter eggs sat out in the conservatory that have been bought for my sons & partners & us who were supposed to come down for lunch over the weekend. I regard them as off limits because they are for them plus I'm still not quite well so no chocolate cravings yet. It will be an interesting weekend & perhaps my husband will have to hide them until the lunch re-arranged day. :confused:
Am I the only one who thinks that Easter eggs are decoration items and not to be eaten then?
OK, prepared to be shocked: as a half-Brit who lives abroad, I love (and miss) all things British. When I visit England (or Scotland, but that's rare) I bring back 3-4 suitcases of various stuff. One of them contains food or food-related items. Cakes, pies, spices, alcohol, cheese, hams, biscuits and chocolate. The chocolate is stored in my fridge and lives there for at least one year. There are always new additions because all my good friends who live in Britain send me packages with chochies all the time.
You might not find TP in my house but you will always find chocolate. And I never eat more than I need/want.
BTW, one of my fondest memories of my childhood involves Cadbury's eggs.
And when my friends want to bring me something special, it's either a handbag or something London-related. Sometimes it's alcohol too but that's when they want to drink with me, pffffttttt....
kencc wrote:
True hunger is easy to manage; 'munchies' cravings are far more difficult. In my experience, slim people don't get the 'munchies'.

They do. But instead of something small, they eat a burger, fries and an ice cream.
TML13 wrote:
kencc wrote: True hunger is easy to manage; 'munchies' cravings are far more difficult. In my experience, slim people don't get the 'munchies'.
They do. But instead of something small, they eat a burger, fries and an ice cream.

And don't stay slim, surely?!

Is it that slim people don't get munchies or that people who don't get munchies find it easy to stay slim?
Many people eat whatever and stay slim. I was like that till I hit my 30s. My breakfast twice a week has a big Mac Menu. I ate fries everyday, ice cream, bread... anything fattening and unhealthy.
When I came back from London and I was +4 kilos, I would diet for a week and got back to normal.
My mum is still like that. She eats a lot of everything and she is tiny! If she gains weight, she eats cabbage soup for 3-4 days and she's back to her weight.
You're right of course TML. I watched that Horizon programme about forcing some thin people to put on weight. They were all young, all of no more than normal weight although they all felt they ate whatever they wanted and a lot of it.

Those who completed the course all put on weight but they all took the weight off again really quickly and easily.

However it was also striking how most of them (all perhaps) really struggled to eat 3500 calories per day. Wimps! Nearly all of them found that the easiest way was of course chocolate. Two had to give up because they couldn't manage it (one male one female).

One of the men had the good genetic fortune to put on all or almost all his new weight as muscle not as fat. Eat, eat and get hunky. Now that's a diet I could really stick to... :wink:
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