Re: I've had to stop
30 Mar 2013, 20:23
Hi Lulu

According to the NHS weight-to-height ratio chart, 7stone 7lbs is within the "healthy weight" category for your height and small frame - so whatever you're now doing, you're doing it right!

I read your post with great sympathy. It's sad that you felt the need to destroy all your childhood photographs, which probably showed a delightful little girl whose chubbiness would have been viewed as highly desirable and extremely beautiful in many cultures and many eras.

You're right that "difficult" or "challenging" mothers can continue to influence their offspring long after childhood, and usually in an unhealthy way. But it's a shame if you are still suffering unnecessarily because of something which happened 50+ years ago. Could you begin to break free from the past, perhaps through counselling or a similar form of help?

Whatever you decide to do, I wish you a happy and healthy future. :clover: