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I had pizza today and felt ill!
29 Mar 2013, 22:45
Anyone that knows me will tell you I adore Italian food. Pasta, pizza, you name it. It's my weakness.

Had a fast day yesterday and today for my only real proper meal I went out with my fella and he bought me a thin and crispy pizza from Bella Italia. It was gorgeous, I struggled and didn't finish it (unheard of) but you know what else? After about 30 minutes of eating it I felt AWFUL! Tired and sluggish and queasy and ill! I can only think it was the carbs.

I'm gutted and astounded in equal measures. Not had that reaction to pizza EVER!
The same thing happened to me too. Exact same scenario - fast day then pizza the following day. My stomach felt like it was holding a breeze block.
Same things happens to me when I try and over indulge these days. Can't do it... makes me sick
Yep, same thing here when we over-indulge with big meals, now we just stick to smaller portions. The horrible queasy feeling just isn't worth it.
Me too! Can't handle high calorie foods anymore :)
That happened to me too, Bella Italia as well, but I had a pasta dish. I felt so ill afterwards too. I didn't connect it to the fasting, but after reading this, interesting.
Hmmmmmmm perhaps I should experiment with pizza. No probs with pasta, I eat it everyday when I;m not fasting.
I went to bed feeling really queasy and ill last night. Overate yesterday, starting with Greek pastry (choc, honey, nuts) for breakfast, cappuccino, a large smoothie later and just kept eating through the day just because I could. By evening, and after two glasses of red wine, I was feeling terribly ill and useless. I went to bed sick to my stomach. I'm going to try and eat healthy today to avoid that awful feeling again. The fasting has made me very sensitive to overeating. I can't handle it at all and pay the price for my indulgences.
Got to say... never felt that so far. But I'm known to continue when other stop and get hungry when others swallow rennies...
I find the same ... also when i eat fried food too
TML13 wrote: Got to say... never felt that so far. But I'm known to continue when other stop and get hungry when others swallow rennies...

Probably you never felt it because you don't overeat! You said you only take in 1200 on feast days...
Hmmm... I've never experienced this at all. I eat plenty of carbs on my feed days. Maybe it's because my TDEE isn't far short of 3000 calories...
I overate once but didn't have pizza. Everything I ate was fried though.
1200 was probably my weekly average. I'll probably overeat and overdrink today, I'll let you know tomorrow.
Well, I didn't overeat but I drank a lot and had ice cream and crisps in the wee hours. Didn't feel weird or sick or anything.
I will report back when I overeat (although I do plan to avoid it).
Okay I've had a major binge today (hey it's Easter!) and now I feel sick as a dog. My stomach feels bruised on the inside. 5:2 has certainly made binges not as enjoyable as they once were. Ouch.
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