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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Feeling low this morning. Fast day yesterday was OK, but v hungry last night, but then again no headache or anything so clearly not that bad.

Overdid it at the weekend, a lot through alcohol and hangover induced munching (though nowhere the near scale before I did 5:2). Weighed myself this morning (yes I'm prone to weighing myself often, I know it's probably not a good idea but I can't see me changing that habit just yet!) and I'm the same as last proper weigh in, Saturday morning.

I know this is probably good, and there is a chance that I will lose some with a second fast day on why am I feeling so despondent?

The weekly weight loss has slowed down during the past few weeks, and it seems to take forever to get under 13st (I was 14st 11lb when I started just under three months ago, so doing well, I know, but but but..)


On holiday next week and won't be fasting (yes I know I could but I don't want to - I'm in this for the long haul, missing a week now and then is going to be part of the pattern me thinks), but then we have no plans for quite few weekends so I will go back to what I did at the beginning, cutting out all fatty/salty/sweet snacks, keeping a check on portion sizes and being generally healthy but still eating what I enjoy (and a few glasses of wine).

If you've got this far, thanks for staying with me - I feel better already!
Hej! Naughty you weighing before the official time! Don't worry...I often find the wight drop after a fast comes after the feed day, not the morning after the fast. I think there is water retention due to changes in salt balance on the fast day.

I think you're right about the snacks, but perhaps allow yourself some at the weekends though?

Lycka till!
Hello Swedey
Glad you feel better after a vent! YOu have lost just short of 2 stones in under 3 months. Bet yo look great, your clothes are fitting better and you have more energy.
And you've managed to indulge as much as you wanted at the weekend. What other way of eating is so easy and successful? And you've got a holiday to look forward to.
As you say, you've got this far and are still going. And you have a plan for later. Good stuff.
Can you do something nice for yourself today to lift your spirits?
And maybe think about doing one of the graph thingys that smooth out the weight loss of regular weighins and make a nice smooth downward graph? There are examples on the nerdy bit!
Keep your chin up- we're all rooting for you :grin:
Hi Swedey,
It's normal to feel down occasionally, me thinks its the UK weather to blame!
Have a great holiday,recharge your batteries &come back to 5:2 rejuvenated.

Great weight loss by the way, clothes must fit much better now, have a trying on session that might lift your spirits a bit.
Hi Swedey - it's amazing what a good vent can do for you isn't it. What an amazing weight loss - you should be SO pleased with yourself. Get outside (hopefully it might be sunny where you are?, even if it's cold) - lift your head high and strutt your stuff down that pavement (or wherever you may be walking) - you're doing fantastically. Have a fab holiday and, as we know, this is a WOL, so your weight WILL reduce further, but be patient. Having said that nearly 2 stone in a month - well jel :smile:
Thanks everyone! Feeling better now, and lets face it, I used to feel down now and then (actually more than not) before I started this.

As for my clothes, most are falling off me and I've had to buy some in-betweenies to tied me over to the summer - nice! Just wish I had reason wear something other than a thermal top and jumper - our house is freezing (v, v old and drafty - but oh so pretty). On phone now to order more oil, this winter is turning out to be very expensive!

(and it's nearly two stone in three months - two in one would surely be unhealthy?)
Blimey, you've lost twice as much as me in the same time. I also appear to be slowing up with weight loss and I think it's the body having a rest. I'm also near a milestone and getting there is being very elusive.

I think give yourself a pat on the back, go off on your holidays and look forward to the next stage when you get back!

Actually, I don't think this is just good, it's blinkin' marvellous! :cool:
Huge great smiley winky wotsit feeling rather pleased with myself now!!!!!
Hi you have done really well! Thats a great weight loss. Those wretched scales they destroy us though. I'm hovering on the brink of being 12 something too, sounds so much better than 13 doesn't it?
Think where we might be by next Easter though! My mind won't even go there.
I think you're doing so well! Congratulations from me too!
Oh how I could have written that! Keep on telling myself if I feel this good now, how will I feel when I've got to my goal. That seems a very long time away at the moment. I'm fasting today and feeling a bit despondent.
I'm sure it's the weather. I had a hard time yesterday. Feel much better today with a warm lunch out inside me.
Swedey wrote: (and it's nearly two stone in three months - two in one would surely be unhealthy?)

Yes it would be unhealthy, still well jel (!) of your loss though

Swedey wrote: Huge great smiley winky wotsit feeling rather pleased with myself now!!!!!

That's better :lol:
And think of it this way, 4 months ago you'd have been miserable about being two stone heavier with no end in sight except endlessly getting larger...
Go away on your holiday! Eat what you like, knowing that you can deal with any increase in weight when you return! Who knows - it may even give your metabolism a bit of a boost! And when you return - don't cut out all of your favourite snacks - learn to live with them and enjoy them, in moderation. Don't forget that we're trying to establish a WOE that we can live with forever!
By the way - Don't tell everyone! My WOE is still a work in progress!
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