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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Oh my goodness after three months on the fast diet and on my thinnest day a total of a five pound weight loss (which I’m pleased with as its led to a 2 inch loss from my waist) I now haven’t had a fast day since last Monday and I just cant imagine doing another fast day. I have a month til a two week sun holiday with my gorgeous hubby and two year old and want to look fabulous (mainly so I’m not sulking in a corner because I feel ‘fat’)
I have embraced green tea, never thought I would do that, and have at least two carb free days a week, again at over 30 years old never thought Icould do that! But the thought of limiting my food to 500 calories just seems impossible to me now, even though I have seen and felt the benefits.
I just wanted to give a bit of background as I have stuck to this way of eating since Jan, I like this way of eating but now it seems I just cannot get back into it. Any tips, advice, tough love welcome!
I feel like my own worst enemy at the moment. I don’t binge eat and I haven’t overeaten or even put on weight in the last week (it did mean saying no to a few things though but was so aware that I hadn’t fasted!)
try half way - an 800 calorie day ? If you write down a meal plan for the day you can get a decent amount and variety of food within that and it might feel more achievable.
Thats a fantastic idea! I can't believe I didn't think of that - common sense can escape me when it comes to food. Thank you :)
I fell well off the wagon last week and found that by just thinking of doing one fast day, or even half a fast day, rather than getting back onto a plan really helped me. I decided I would give it a go on Monday and managed to do the full day, I confess I ate enough yesterday to do me for a week almost in reaction to the Monday fast but I am back on track today and feeling much better for it. If I had tried to get back into a full pattern rather than "Just one day" I would never have done it. I think that is the beauty of this plan for me as I always found it impossible to get back into a "diet plan" that required work everyday before now. Congrats on your wonderful loss, I hope you have a wonderful holiday. I look forward to the day I don't have to hide on the beach, maybe not this year but next year for definite
Yes, just one day sounds good. Re the beach, its a state of mind for me (and maybe others too?) on my honeymoon I weighed a little over 8 stone and I was still too shy to wear a bikini and frolic. I now have a post baby body (in not too bad shape, but no 8 stone twenty something body) and I am thinking this year I am going to wear a bikini. even if its just once!!!
I agree with Red, just start one and take it hour by hour see how you go, I gave up last week after a plateau that lasted 5wks!!, I really went off the rails and ate everything, but decided to give it another go yesterday and did a 500 cal day and felt great, it boosts your will power and you remember the health benefits,
Why not think of the health benefits instead of the weight loss. See if it changes your mindset, and visualise how good you will feel another 7+ ib lighter in your bikini.
Tallulahminx wrote: common sense can escape me when it comes to food. Thank you :)

Same here, same here :oops:

Phil's idea sounds good. And focus on your holiday and how fab you're going to look :grin:
YES! Do a semi-fast of 800 calories (it's not much but it will keep you away from hunger) and focus on the holiday. It's amazing what you can do if you are looking forward to something.
If I knew I was going to London, I'd do a 3 day water&syrup fast and enjoy every minutes of it, LOLOLOL!!!
ahh thank you everyone, I had a light breakfast (for me) and have a cous cous salad for lunch (am at work) so I could do the 800 day today :)
ps TML13 you are in my fave place in the whole world - shall we do a house swap ;p
Hi Tallulah - if it's a state of mind thing that's maybe getting in the way for you there may be something that can help in my blogs - if you have a few moments spare it might be worth having a read. It may not help of course but you never know :wink:
Good luck with it though. :like:
Two carb free days will help with keeping weight off, reduce sugar cravings etc so that's all good. I think that as we get thinner the body rebels more and a period of weight maintenance may be a good thing. I'd suggest keep to the carb free days and just try to reduce the calorie count as Phil says to around 800 and see how you go. Even if it's not enough to result in weight loss, it's a success if you don't put any on. If you can make sure you get some long gaps between eating (skip lunch or breakfast, maybe?), you'll get the benefits of fasting even with the higher calorie allowance. Then, whenever you feel up to it, try reducing the cals further even if it's just one day.
Tallulahminx wrote: ahh thank you everyone, I had a light breakfast (for me) and have a cous cous salad for lunch (am at work) so I could do the 800 day today :)
ps TML13 you are in my fave place in the whole world - shall we do a house swap ;p

If I could get off work... ANYTIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :grin:
Thanks for all the fabulous advice, will have a look at the blogs tonight. I dont snack between meals now, which I never thought would happen and do try to leave as long as I can between meals. Its totally changed the way i eat - I do love it. Am talking myself back into it now :) Thanks again!
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