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Re: Need to lose 60+ Lbs
19 Apr 2013, 14:20

I need to lose close to 100lbs and also have a dodgy knee. When I was about 10 years old I was on the wrong end of a nasty tackle playing football and have never really been able to run since (probably part of the reason why i'm so overweight now, although my greed and laziness would probably play a bigger part!) But the knee still aches occasionally and if I ever bang it I feel the pain for days.
I've just started the 5:2 plan and have only done 1 fast day so still early days for me. With the exception of a few tummy rumblings I found it fine and am feeling optimistic and confident (the mental side has always been my biggest challenge when dieting)

Good luck to you and I hope you get the results you want!
Re: Need to lose 60+ Lbs
07 May 2013, 00:52
Dragonheart wrote: Boy, do I have a long way to go! Anyone else out there facing this kind of battle? To add difficulty, I currently can't exercise due to a mystery pain in my knees.

Yup! Around 25 kg (61 lb) to go ... I have an artificial hip (from hip dysplasia) and a 'bad' other hip, and painful knees and feet (all related to my dysplasia). Because of my prosthesis (which has a higher risk of fracturing than most), I'm not allowed to do anything high impact, so no running or jumping activities.

And I have an auto-immune disease, so fatigue and other problems are major issues for me too. All this means it's really hard for me to exercise much. I can swim a bit and do weights (and lots of physio for my legs!), but that's about it.

Have lost 2.5 kg (5.5 lb) in 3 weeks on 5:2, so I am hopeful! Slow and steady wins the race :)
Re: Need to lose 60+ Lbs
10 May 2013, 06:17
Wow I just did the conversion from kg to pounds and figure I have approx.132lb to loss :bugeyes:
So expect to see me floating around here for some time to come, currently I'm not weighing myself because in the past I've use that number (good or bad) to self sabotage,so for the next few months until this WOL become habit I'm just going to measure myself to make sure I'm headed in the right direction and use how my clothes are fitting as a guide.
Re: Need to lose 60+ Lbs
10 May 2013, 06:22
Stick to kgs Tammz -pounds are much too scary to think in. :shock:
Re: Need to lose 60+ Lbs
10 May 2013, 06:28
I also have about 100lb to lose (and that's being kind :oops: ) but slow and steady wins the race - I have just lost a stone :lol: :victory: just another :?: to go!
Re: Need to lose 60+ Lbs
10 May 2013, 06:48
Congrats Chickvic one more stone down is always a good one.
Jaffer I think I will stick to kgs instead pounds
60 seem way less scary than 132
Re: Need to lose 60+ Lbs
10 May 2013, 06:59
Hi dragonheart, I to have around 40lb to loose but everyone is right you have took the first step on a new way of life that will heal your body,and help you slim down you have to remind yourself its a marathon not a sprint so a 1lb a WK will give you a 52 lb loss by the end of the year how good will you find that and if it comes of quicker that's great to so good luck and here's to a slimmer Xmas lol. :wink:
Re: Need to lose 60+ Lbs
10 May 2013, 13:28
I am slowly changing the way I view my weight and food and eating and losing. I am finding victories in making good choices. And to me good choices are those in which on a fast day I chose to use nutritiously dense foods for my 500 calories. Or on non-fast days when I chose to eat only when I was physically hungry, only eating what I really wanted, and stopping when I was no longer hungry- without the need to eat whenever I want, whatever I can, until I could not stuff another bite into my mouth.

I think this WOE allows me to feel normal. I treasure that. The time will pass whether or not I lose weight, I choose to stick to this WOE and lose the weight, however long it takes.

So nice to have a crew to take the journey with!
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