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Starving on first feed day!
04 Apr 2013, 09:21
Hi Everyone

I started with my first fast day yesterday. Struggled a bit to make it through, had 3 small meals with my 500 calories (nearly bit my fiance's head off a few times!). Woke up this morning planning to eat normally but I'm starving!

So far I've had a bowl of porridge, a chicken breast and some cashew nuts and it's only 1015. I've been drinking water, waiting 30 minutes between food etc but I'm still hungry! Has anyone else experienced this? Does it get better? I'm reluctant to eat too much this morning as I've got a wedding dress fitting at 3! Argh!
Re: Starving on first feed day!
04 Apr 2013, 09:59
Hiya - drink more water , fruit tea - distraction go for a walk hoover the house do anything to take your mind of it! I am on my 2nd fast day today - I find that going without food actually helps me not to feel hungry - by which I mean I don't eat until my evening meal - why wake up annie appetite? It seems to help me - I am sure that if I had breakfast, lunch and dinner I would feel more hungry and this is probably what you are experiencing, even the day after....
Failing all of that - put on some nice relaxing music lie down in the middle of the floor and visualise yourself in that wedding dress!
You can do it! :geek:
Re: Starving on first feed day!
04 Apr 2013, 10:29
Hi on my first few fasts I had 3 small meals and found that quite hard also I was eating too much on feast days ,it was like as if I was testing this diet, but now I skip breakfast and just have two cups of tea 30 calories and my evening meal , I sip water through out the day,I find this a lot easier, It does get easier good luck
Re: Starving on first feed day!
04 Apr 2013, 10:37
It will get better. I agree with the others about not eating on a fast day. I tried 3 small meals but found I was starving all night. So now I fast until dinner time(about 6pm) then have my 500 cals. That way I go to bed quite comfortable and don't wake up starving.
It takes a while but your appetite will settle. Hope the dress fitting goes well.
Re: Starving on first feed day!
04 Apr 2013, 10:51
I found that on my first, oh, 10-15 post-fast mornings, my stomach felt very odd and uncomfortable and I thought it was hunger. I discovered quite a long time after the start of my 5:2 journey that the stomach discomfort was due to eating too much at breakfast after the fast. When I cut my portion by a third my stomach felt much better. I think it takes a while for your brain to learn to interpret what the stomach is trying to tell it! At first it thinks that all stomach discomfort is hunger!
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