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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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I think next week we are only going to manage one fast day as we are taking the boys to Legoland (eldest's birthday treat) :grin:
We're travelling on the Monday, have two full days there and then back Wednesday evening. so I think we can only fit in our Thursday fast day.

We'd normally fast on a Monday but I think a four hour journey with two bored boys in the back of the car means that we aren't going to be able to manage that.

We are likely to have to eat some fast food over those days. We can choose healthier options when we're in the hotel in the evening, but has anyone any tips on what the best options are at motorway service stations as we are going to have to use them at least on the way back even if I am organised and take packed food on the way there.

I do expect to indulge a bit next week - it is a holiday after all, but I don't want to do it at every meal, as I'm so pleased with the weight loss so far and want it to continue.

You could stop at one of the ones that has an M&S and buy their stuff

If you wanted to sit down, some services have fruit and the odd one has a salad bar, I think. But they're criminally expensive.

Enjoy Legoland
This would be a perfect opportunity to make it a fast day - that's what I'd plump for anyway. :smile: Feed the lads but avoid temptation yourself - could you manage that? You could have something healthy once you reach the hotel - miss out breakfast and lunch then you'll get the full 24 hour fast in. You could then give in to fast food on the 2 days at Legoland (but be careful !) and back to normal fast day on Thursday. Just a suggestion! I've got some airline travelling to do later in the year and, now that I know I'm not going to fade away if I don't eat, the enlightenment that sitting on a plane for hours with no exercise and I really don't HAVE to eat airline food just read a good book to stave off the boredom is quite a relief. Have fun at Legoland :smile:
I am currently sat in Corley services on a fast day so feel in quite a good position to comment!!

I usually don't have lunch on a fast day but having been out since 6.30 this morning I was very hungry and unable to resist! Waitrose have a good few salad pack options for around 250-300 calories - doesn't leave much for dinner but could be do able?

Alternatively stick to a large black coffee and let the boys have what they fancy?

Or even just miss a fast day - in the grand scheme of things it isn't going to matter once in a while and you are on holiday!

Whatever you decide with regard to eating have fun and enjoy Legoland!!
I can't help you with your question (although I too thought of services with H&M) but can I please come to Legoland with you?
I'm 38-years old but I can pass for 8 easily, as I tend to act silly and ask for sweets!!!
M&S, not H&M. God I need some shopping!!!
Thanks for the ideas everyone! :like:

I don't think I want to make it a fast day as I do still get quite lightheaded in the afternoon and don't trust myself driving in that state whilst also trying to entertain an 8 and 4 year old. We plan on sharing the driving, but we only want to stop once if possible. Sitting on a plane would be quite easy to avoid food, it's the concentration needed to drive that bothers me - we do have to face the idiots on the M1 and M25.

I've just been looking at the Legoland site, and there are some healthier options there, so it may not be as hard as I thought on those two days.

I guess I'd better work out which service stations to aim for. I've got to have more than one option as it depends on traffic flow and youngest toilet needs as to how far we get before we have to stop...

TML13 - you make me laugh! I'm a forty-something, but I'm just as excited about going to Legoland as the boys are. Secret Lego geek here :geek: loves building with them. But sorry, no room for hitchhikers - it's costing us an arm and a leg as it is to go - very expensive but the trip of a lifetime I reckon
Hi - You could have a ham and cheese toastie at Costa - I think that's around 300 cals....?
Lego geek here, not a secret one though since everybody knows! I went to Legoland as an adult and had the fun of me life. You will have a blast, you'll see!!!
But perhaps fasting on another day will be wiser, why do it during a day trip? Enjoy your day (and food) and do it on the next day.
No tip for motorway food but tips for Legoland! The site opens earlier than the rides so get there a bit early. Go straight to the far end of the park and work your way back. When the rides open you'll be first in the queue! As you pass the crowds you'll emerge into another short queueing zone! The site shuts after the rides do so you can go to a café or the shop while you wait for the car park to empty!

I thought it was a really great place. The models are mindblowing!
Thanks for the tips carorees. We've actually got a two day pass and are staying in the hotel on the Tuesday night. I think the boys are going to dictate what we do the first day, but then anything we've missed we'll get to on the second day. Hotel guests get let in earlier too. I'll have to see if I can persuade them to walk past everything without going on it!
I've always wanted to go, so it's going to be great!
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