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Help lost plot
06 Apr 2013, 12:12
Ok this week I decided to fast two consecutive days - simply because I'm a shift worker and work 12.5 hrs so find it most easy to fast whilst I work - no temptations or distractions.

Hmmm I did it I found it hard but managed the two days! I ended with a sts that wi which I was pleased with I'd had several meals out (unusual for me) due to friends staying somwasnhappy! And a big loss the week previous.

Then I went on a carb overload the following day! 2375 cals I ended up eating!!!!! I did spin so burnt 800 off but still!!

I worked a night shift that night so didn't sleep worked through the night and stayed awake the following day (so was awake for 36 hours) and finished that day on 2625!!! This wouldn't have been the case if I'd have slept I know. But it's still excessive.

I'm wondering whether this 5:2 diet isn't for me as I'm clearly over eating. Because I seem to relax too much on non fast.

Today I'm trying for a 1200 cal day to see if I can reign it all back.

What you think!!??

I am really embarrassed!!! X
Re: Help lost plot
06 Apr 2013, 12:15
And it wasn't crap foods it was just a larger quantity from being up and working!!! X
Re: Help lost plot
06 Apr 2013, 12:27
Others more knowledgeable than me will answer but I think your mistake is fasting two consecutive days. Have you read Dr M's book? You should not starve longer than 24 hours and it is recommended to not calorie count on feast days, just eat normally. I do two 24 hour fasts but not together. I still need to reign it in a bit on feast days but am finding this a very good regime. You do need to give it time for your body to get used to it all.
Re: Help lost plot
06 Apr 2013, 12:31
Bobshouse wrote: Others more knowledgeable than me will answer but I think your mistake is fasting two consecutive days. Have you read Dr M's book? You should not starve longer than 24 hours and it is recommended to not calorie count on feast days, just eat normally. I do two 24 hour fasts but not together. I still need to reign it in a bit on feast days but am finding this a very good regime. You do need to give it time for your body to get used to it all.

I don't do 24 hour fasts I can't!!!

I have three small meals on my fast days and go without food for around 12 hour periods usually! So it was two consecutive 500 cal days.

But it's not a regular thing it was simply bc my shifts were together!

But I'm more comcerned about the non fast days I've had.

It's just a high cal two days and I get I'll have burnt more but just wondering how people think I can get over it when I'm gonna continually be on off nights as a shift pattern?! X
Re: Help lost plot
06 Apr 2013, 12:32
Why the 1200? That'll just make the next fast harder and you'll end up in a starve/binge cycle.

Live in the moment, don't try to burn off cals as punishment or anticipate issues. There is a munchies phase, don't know how many weeks in you are but stop with the roller coaster and just relax. Eat when hungry on feed days, not just because you can and try to have a think about what you're eating. More meat (protein), less carbs etc will help.

Think also why the sabotage? Are there other issues that need addressing?

Split your 500 cal days with at least a day in between, it's too much otherwise, particularly when adapting to this WoE.
Re: Help lost plot
06 Apr 2013, 12:33
I don't think that's excessive non fast day cals at all. It's probably my normal daily eating. I wouldn't restrict to 1200 cals as that would be a normal diet amount which will slow down your metabolism & reduce effect of fast days. Just think of it as speeding up your metabolism. The important thing is the 2 non consecutive fast days. Try & keep them down to 500.
Re: Help lost plot
06 Apr 2013, 12:34
If it's any consolation, I've found the non-fast days much harder than the fast days, even after 3 months of ADF. Getting there now, which is why I'm saying look at the patterns and the cycles, not the calories themselves.
Re: Help lost plot
06 Apr 2013, 12:35
Don't be embarrassed! We've probably all been there at some time or another. At least you haven't just given up! You haven't committed a crime - all you have done is eaten more than you would have preferred to. Put it behind you and just carry on as if it never happened!

I agree with the others. Perhaps your overeating was because of the two fasts back to back? Your body would have been desperate for calories and that's all you did - you just provided them. Maybe you should consider only fasting one day at a time and allow your body to recover between fasts, whether you are working, or not? If you then add into the equation sleep deprivation, you gave your body a double problem.

I think that 5:2 has already proved itself in your case because you had a big loss the first week, followed by maintaining your weight despite eating out etc in the second week, So, give yourself a break, carry on and see how you get on. You may find that you will still lose weight, especially if you can manage to stay with the 5:2 until your next weigh-in - it does happen that way, as quite a few people on this forum will testify!

Good luck, onward and downwards (with the weight loss!)
Re: Help lost plot
06 Apr 2013, 12:37
Don't feel guilty! Working night shifts messes up your circadian rhythm and will make you hungrier. it may also increase your cravings of fatty and sugary foods. The big question is are you losing weight? Inches? I will also not recommend back to back fasting days.
Re: Help lost plot
06 Apr 2013, 12:43
BBT053 wrote: Why the 1200? That'll just make the next fast harder and you'll end up in a starve/binge cycle.

Live in the moment, don't try to burn off cals as punishment or anticipate issues. There is a munchies phase, don't know how many weeks in you are but stop with the roller coaster and just relax. Eat when hungry on feed days, not just because you can and try to have a think about what you're eating. More meat (protein), less carbs etc will help.

Think also why the sabotage? Are there other issues that need addressing?

Split your 500 cal days with at least a day in between, it's too much otherwise, particularly when adapting to this WoE.

The theory behind 1200 was to make the overall cals lower as a counter action for the over eating!

I'm week 3 in. I won't be aiming to do consecutive days again but I spoke without trying I didn't know!

It wasn't a sabotage! It was basically two extra meals over the night shift. But they added the cals on! :( xx
Re: Help lost plot
06 Apr 2013, 12:44
I think we all go through a phase of overeating/relaxing too much on feast days as part of adjusting this lifestyle. It'll pass, don't worry. Many of us also learn to balance days where we've overeaten with days where we cut back a bit as well, and this seems to yield good results in terms of weight loss.
Re: Help lost plot
06 Apr 2013, 12:44
claireglen wrote: I don't think that's excessive non fast day cals at all. It's probably my normal daily eating. I wouldn't restrict to 1200 cals as that would be a normal diet amount which will slow down your metabolism & reduce effect of fast days. Just think of it as speeding up your metabolism. The important thing is the 2 non consecutive fast days. Try & keep them down to 500.

Ok thanks. Puts it into perspective :) xx
Re: Help lost plot
06 Apr 2013, 12:45
BBT053 wrote: If it's any consolation, I've found the non-fast days much harder than the fast days, even after 3 months of ADF. Getting there now, which is why I'm saying look at the patterns and the cycles, not the calories themselves.

Thanks I agree the restriction is much easier. I just can't trust myself!!

And I don't know what normal eating is I'm forever on a diet!!! X
Re: Help lost plot
06 Apr 2013, 12:48
StowgateResident wrote: Don't be embarrassed! We've probably all been there at some time or another. At least you haven't just given up! You haven't committed a crime - all you have done is eaten more than you would have preferred to. Put it behind you and just carry on as if it never happened!

I agree with the others. Perhaps your overeating was because of the two fasts back to back? Your body would have been desperate for calories and that's all you did - you just provided them. Maybe you should consider only fasting one day at a time and allow your body to recover between fasts, whether you are working, or not? If you then add into the equation sleep deprivation, you gave your body a double problem.

I think that 5:2 has already proved itself in your case because you had a big loss the first week, followed by maintaining your weight despite eating out etc in the second week, So, give yourself a break, carry on and see how you get on. You may find that you will still lose weight, especially if you can manage to stay with the 5:2 until your next weigh-in - it does happen that way, as quite a few people on this forum will testify!

Good luck, onward and downwards (with the weight loss!)


Yes your probably right I hadn't thought of it like that!!

I won't be doing two in a row again!!

I think it's just made my body go into crisis mode and wants food continually. This didn't happen last weeks when just doing the one fast day twice a week!

Thanks I do feel better looking at it like this! And it isn't any worse than ,y cals last week I suppose! Ad I still have two fasts before my next wi!! Xx
Re: Help lost plot
06 Apr 2013, 12:50
Einatbl wrote: Don't feel guilty! Working night shifts messes up your circadian rhythm and will make you hungrier. it may also increase your cravings of fatty and sugary foods. The big question is are you losing weight? Inches? I will also not recommend back to back fasting days.

Well I've only had two wis. and lost a large amount first week and sts the second! But second week was expected due to several meals out. But lost inches both weeks :)

So it is working and I, enjoying it and can see it being my lifestyle long term! So I'm not ready to give up just yet! X
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