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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Hello everyone,

I've learned so much from you all on this forum, so here's another question!

I'm relatively new to 5:2, have been on the diet for 3 weeks, lost about 4 pounds the first week, gained a pound back the second, and have been holding steady thereabouts this week. I'm happy with that; I realize this diet is a slow burn and I'm in it for the long haul.

The thing is, in exactly 1 month, I'll be making a trip back home to the States, and I'll be seeing all my family and old friends. I want to look my best and drop a little more at a little faster rate than I am now (especially because I've been going on to them all about this diet!). :grin:

Nothing too drastic, but if I could lose 4-5 pounds (2 kgs) between now and then, that would be amazing. I'm quite short, so a little bit of weight off makes a big difference in my appearance and how I feel. I'm not sure if doing 5:2 on its own will accomplish that, since I seem to be losing at a slower rate (which, again, for the long-term, I am happy with).

I know a good thing would be to get some exercise, because honestly I don't exercise at all now (shame on me!)

Any other tips you all have done to get ready for a holiday/vacation/event? Anybody temporarily done ADF or gone from 5:2 to 4:3? I've read here that 4:3 is about the same as 5:2, so maybe that would not be as effective in the short-term.

Thanks in advance!

When I want to lose weight for a holiday (I do that because I always gain weight on holidays) I do a 3-day fast with Neera Syrup but I cheat a bit and have a coffee with a cereal bar in the morning and perhaps another cereal bar in the afternoon.
I do that for 3 days on 2 consecutive weeks and usually lose 4 kilos.
This, of course, has nothing to do with 5:2 and I always gain the weight back because I eat like a pig but when I come back I am at my original weight.
We don't know a lot about 4:3 vs 5:2, too many variations in those who are doing it here on the forum. As it leads to further calorie restriction, it might work for you.
Increase energy expenditure by exercising while continuing calorie restriction. It doesn't have to be a two-hour run. Start moving around more, walking, taking stairs, standing instead of sitting, and maybe do one hour/week of exercise that raises your heart rate.
Possibly consider food choices, depending on if you eat a lot of sugary foods/high glycemic index foods.
Good luck - personally, I would be tickled pink if I had your BMI, but everything is relative!
I did ADF and now 4:3, it's not faster...well, isn't for me. I like the regularity of it but a pound a week it is. Play with the tracker for your demographic.

Definitely go for toning and strengthening to get shape at your BMI, more bang for your buck, I suspect.
Maybe try something like 30 Day Shred? If you don't do much exercise prepare to suffer the next day! It can tone you up quite nicely, and although the scales may not shift downwards quickly, what with the muscle building / water retention thingy, you make well look slimmer. I think it's available on YouTube now.
Why not just be glad with what you have achieved & present your slightly trimmer you to your friends & family as a realistic achievement of 5:2.

Exercise good though - get into it. I'm an avid walker.
At your bmi, losing any weight is going to be a slow process. But if you're not currently exercising, then any improvement there will show benefits. I'd second doing something like 30 day shred.
badalya wrote: Why not just be glad with what you have achieved & present your slightly trimmer you to your friends & family as a realistic achievement of 5:2.

Exercise good though - get into it. I'm an avid walker.

Thanks! You're absolutely right! I am grateful for the weight loss so far, although I am heavier than when they saw me last. :oops: So I wanted to appear at least a little slimmer than when they last saw me. A good reminder to see the positive, though.
Wow, thanks kencc, for posting all of that useful info. You are right that I need to eat responsibly on my days off, so as to not fluctuate too much (i have been fluctuating a lot so far, because my diet is so variable). Time for bootcamp, I think!

Thanks to everyone for their input, and Campanula and Melanie for the 30 Day Shred info! I did that workout befor I got married and from time to time with good results. I have a couple of injuries that prevent me from doing it now in its original form, maybe I could modify. Didn't know it was on Youtube! I left my DVD in the States, so this is awesome :)
kencc wrote: Daily weight fluctuations are not usually entirely random. You put stuff into your body, the weight management app gives you feedback of the result. If your weight is going up or not falling, unless you know of logical reasons for increased water retention, then your opinion of how much food/calories you are putting into your body is wrong and you should adjust downward.

I sooooooo agree! That's why I weigh everyday. If I didn't do that, I wouldn't know how much weight I gained since my thyroid went mad, I wouldn't know the whereabouts of my TDEE (every website shows a different number), I would have no idea regarding what makes me retain water or what makes me NOT to.

I think that if one wants to lose a little (or a lot) weight in a certain time margin and/or have some health problem and interferes with weight loss, they must weigh themselves everyday AND keep notes.
Wow just watched the 30 day shred!! is it even possible.... advice for a novice please!! will try it anyway
Jai02 wrote: Wow just watched the 30 day shred!! is it even possible.... advice for a novice please!! will try it anyway

I watched it too! Half of it seems possible, the other half seems... erm... well... I thought of trying to do the parts that I can do and see how it goes.
Jai02, go slow at first! Try it without weights and see how you feel. I used to follow the blonde young woman "Anita" in the back because she does the "easier" version of some of the moves. Also, I've found that some of the shoulder raise exercises are too hard for me with the usual weight which I would use for the other arm movements, so I kept a pair of lighter weights for just the shoulder moves. Maybe someone who's done it more recently could give more specific tips. I'm starting to miss this workout, just might have to give it a go again (with modifications) this week!

Jai02 wrote: Wow just watched the 30 day shred!! is it even possible.... advice for a novice please!! will try it anyway

I'm thinking of giving it a try too :smile:
What kind of weights is she using?
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