Couple of months ago I was diagnosed with a large gallstone and ulcer. I've had the ulcer sorted and am still taking Omeprazole and the consultant told me to come back if I had another gallstone attack. Fingers crossed it hasn't been too bad but I have woke up today felling really unwell and wonder if certain foods have set it off. Consultant didn't tell me to avoid anything but I've been looking on the web and different reports say different things to avoid ie red meat, dairy, chocolate, cheese - I had a roast lamb dinner yesterday and whereas it hasn't been a problem in the past it did contain most of the 'avoid' list
Has anyone got/had gallstones and restricted food items, and if so did it help ?
I'm supposed to be fasting today but not sure cos I feel yuk

Has anyone got/had gallstones and restricted food items, and if so did it help ?
I'm supposed to be fasting today but not sure cos I feel yuk