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Hypoglycaemia + fast diet
10 Apr 2013, 16:51
Dear all.
I am on Fast Day no.4. Classically I have a big headache, I have felt shaky since about 12 noon and I dread not being able to sleep tonight through hunger. CLASSIC symptoms of hypoglycaemia.
How can I adapt the 5:2 diet to meet my hypoglycaemia? 500 carbs in a day just seems too tough. I have tried eating one meal in a fast day and I have tried spreading it through the day. Same reaction every time - oh yes, and being in a wickedly bad mood too!
I am sure that this diet is adaptable - but how? Would increasing my daily carbs still enable me to lose weight? (I have only 8 lbs to lose - little but not easy!)
And how long did it take for your headaches to disappear? On fast days I live on high strength pain killers - surely not good?!
Re: Hypoglycaemia + fast diet
10 Apr 2013, 17:09
Sorry to hear you are suffering. I think that fast no.4 is still quite early days. The adaptation takes up to 4 weeks so, if you can, please bear with it. It may not be hypoglycaemia as such (low blood sugar) which is quite a serious condition but just a level of resistance, physical/hormonal/mental, to switching to fat-burning as your glycogen levels run down. I found fast days a real struggle at first and was ravenous come evening (I always saved my calories until then to give me a 'buffer') but now I'm okay. I get hungrier on feed days!

Re: Hypoglycaemia + fast diet
10 Apr 2013, 17:19
Does a salty drink help ?

Perhaps you should get the blood sugar measured - several pharmacies do this as a diabetes screen, Lloyds for one. Or buy a test meter for £15 or less.

If it's actual hypoglycaemia then you need medical advice. It isn't normal to have to eat regularly or a certain food intake simply to maintain your blood sugar levels.
Re: Hypoglycaemia + fast diet
10 Apr 2013, 17:29
If you're really suffering glucose tablets provide a quick sugar boost and are only approximately 15 calories per tablet. You can get lucozade ones which taste quite nice.
Re: Hypoglycaemia + fast diet
10 Apr 2013, 17:33
The problem with treating the symptoms with glucose tablets is that the body will never turn to fat burning which is what we are trying to achieve here. It's like dealing with a leaking bucket by continually filling it up with'll have a full bucket but it's not what you wanted!
Re: Hypoglycaemia + fast diet
10 Apr 2013, 17:39
The meters are cheap but they hit you with the cost of replacement strips. I get my strips off Ebay!

I get hypo. Have done for years. Its wouldn't be unknown for my bg to drop so low that the meter errors out. The medical profession really aren't that interested as they don't see it as being dangerous. Of course its a totally different ball game if you are diabetic and on insulin or any other medication.

I've found that I'm tons better if I stick to low carb or the more complex carbs. I had my first hypo for months on a non fast day and I'm sure it was because I had taken the idea of being able to eat what I wanted too literally and had chocced-out over Easter!

I check my fasting bg in a morning. If its low I have an egg or around 100cals worth of some form of protein. If its OK I plough on until evening and my main meal. I always save enough cals for a protein snack at bedtime. Dieticians who advise diabetics seem to favour cheese for bringing up bg without causing a spike and the subsequent second drop. They usually say 1oz or a matchbox sized cube. I find the little Baby Bel light useful to keep on hand at around 50cals each.
Re: Hypoglycaemia + fast diet
10 Apr 2013, 17:47
thanks all. really useful hints! will give the baby bel cheeses a go Miffy - good idea!
Re: Hypoglycaemia + fast diet
10 Apr 2013, 17:53
If you go over, don't fret. You can perfect the 500 calories once you've adapted.
Re: Hypoglycaemia + fast diet
10 Apr 2013, 17:58
I'm with Caroline on avoiding the glucose tablets. I only use fruit pastilles if I'm on the verge of passing out and even then I would have a bit of protein too to help stop the crash when the sugar runs out. I was told that the body will sort itself out but if your bg is low enough for you to be wobbly you can't really wait while it starts looking for a shot of glycogen from your liver!

I wpould look at spending your fast day cals on mostly protein and on non fast days stick with the low GI carbs. Keep sweets and cakes for occasional treats if you can.
Re: Hypoglycaemia + fast diet
10 Apr 2013, 17:59
Like others have said, it takes a while to adapt to the fasting. I have found it gets easier and easier each week. I now have no problem going 24 hours with no food.
Re: Hypoglycaemia + fast diet
10 Apr 2013, 20:08
Most people seem to adapt after a couple of fasts, so give it some more time. Probably you are beyond the worst period now.
Eating something rich in protein in the evening (high protein dairy product for example, or fish) helps me feel full enough to sleep. I agree that avoiding simple carbohydrates and rather going for the complex ones (plus proteins, fluids, including some salt as in stock/soup) might be a good idea.
What are you eating on fast days?
Re: Hypoglycaemia + fast diet
10 Apr 2013, 21:19
Hi all. I have just completely messed up. Had full dinner followed by half a dozen choc's and biscuits. I have been so hungry and shaky, and I really took it out on my son by shouting at him. Had something to eat and felt immediately better - but of course it didn't stop then!
Re eating the majority protein on a fast day it means I get severely constipated. Constipation is a life long 'friend' of mine and something that I struggle hugely with. So my fasting days last week contained high protein - and I have paid the consequences. Last and this fast day I have tried high vegetable content (salad lunch + stir fry dinner), along with a smattering of carbs and protein. And I was starving, as well as the shakes + headache.
I can handle the hunger, but everything else is tough.
Anyone else find that they REALLY STRUGGLE with this?
Thanks all!
Re: Hypoglycaemia + fast diet
10 Apr 2013, 21:33
It does get easier. I'm more grumpy if im due on. Hormones play havoc as well as hunger. I'm fine till 6.30. Then I just want them in bed so I can sit and enjoy my dinner.
Re: Hypoglycaemia + fast diet
11 Apr 2013, 07:00
I have a history of low blood sugar. On the fast diet if I start feeling as if my blood sugar is crashing I have some hommous (20-40grams) one carrot cut up into sticks and one other low carb vegetable (especially anything green) all up it comes to 100-150 cals and gives me relief with out spiking my sugar levels.

Other foods that are on my short list include daal (sp?), chickpeas, lentils, tofu and veges. That way I get some complex carbs and protein and I usually have a small amount of carrot or another sweet vege. It took me a while to figure out the ratios but I think with practice you will find what works for you.

Also, the night before I fast I try to avoid have too much in the way of pasta, dessert, fruit, white rice, white bread etc I find it harder to fast the following day.

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