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Marie2mil wrote:
TML13 wrote: Marie, do you use the unclarified stevia? The green one?

No, I haven't seen that one.
I tend to use xylitol the most at home and stevia drops when I'm out and about because its convenient to carry a tiny bottle in my handbag.

Ah, makes sense. At first, I tried the unclarified one which was OK for yoghurt and sweets in general but it was horrible in tea and coffee.
A few months later, the clarified was in the market (like little pills) and they are perfect for everything.
Or you could try drinking a different hot drink while you go cold turkey. Nettle tea is much smoother than black, white or green tea. It's delicious and has no bitterness. I started drinking it to give up sugar, after two weeks picked up a friend's drink by mistake (with sugar in) and gagged it was so disgusting.
Hi, how many cups of tea do you drink a day ? I would'nt worry if its not too many and you really can't give it up, as long as you count the cals on fast days you should be okay.
Thanks again for all the suggestions.

O'Dell, that was an interesting question you posed regarding the bitterness of the drink or the sweetness of the sugar. I tried a tiny pinch of salt in my tea this morning and found it made no difference to the taste but I only added a very flat spoon of sugar. Maybe that's the answer, neutralising the bitterness. I'll keep trying and perhaps might be able to reduce the amount of sugar I take eventually, so thanks for that.

Bee, I drink around six mugs per day usually which means six spoons of sugar so that looks like a lot to me. I do always count the calories though, no cheating here.
Hello anniep,

I used to have the same problem with my (lots of cups of) tea. There was no way I could drink tea without sugar. Then someone suggested to try white tea - and bang! I tasted and drank the first cup and since then, I haven't add sugar to tea. No sugar at all, not even if I drink black or green tea.

I can't explain why, but white tea put me off sugar totally. Maybe it works for you too, if you try it :smile:

If I have flu or cold, I add honey to tea. Honey is the best medicine :smile:
But since I started 5:2, I haven't been ill...

Maybe you could try honey instead of sugar in your tea anyway, I think it's a better/healthier option than white sugar.

Good luck! :smile:
I always have milk and sugar in my (black) tea - but take it without both when it's iced or if it any other kind of tea (green, brown, herbal)! SO during the fast days, I have been going without M&S, but not enjoying my tea at all. I think I might add M&S - I usually just have the one cup first thing in the morning to get me started. I have noticed that I don't require as much sugar now (1 tsp as opposed to 2), so that's a good thing!
On a feed day I add just the tip of a teaspoon dipped in honey to my hot drinks when at home, just for a little zip and health(!), but on fast days no honey (high carbs) just straight fennel tea or lemon&ginger tea or plain warm water. No carbs at all on fast days for me is essential now.
I took sugar in my tea when I was a child, as my mother was a great lover of sugar in drinks. I used to go to youth clubs but was so shy, I daren't lean forward for the sugar bowl when the coffees/teas were handed out, so I gave it up. Likewise, when I went to uni, I realised what a hassle it was to have fresh milk in the fridge, so I started to drink my tea black. So my shyness and laziness have had a silver lining in the long run !
I use Stevia in my oats but can't use it in coffee, first Black coffee just finished with 1/2 tsp sugar, it was just OK tea I always have had Black, all artificial sweetners leave a funny taste in your mouth some worse than others
This thread is very interesting for me trying to keep empty carbs at bay, in particular pure sugar. I have started to use Stevia tablets, but must crush them between 2 teaspoons to ensure complete dissolving. I haven't managed to find liquid Stevia which would be an easy option, just putting a drop into my coffee. Can anyone please advise me as to where I can buy it in the North of England?
I only drink water on fast days but I'm struggling to give up sugar on non fast days. I'm reading Pure White and Deadly which is enough to make me want to give it up completely. And sorry TML13 and others, but brown sugar is apparently just dyed white sugar most of the time. Even when it's true brown sugar it's still exactly the same chemical so no better than white. Sugar is completely superfluous to our diet and may be the cause of just about every modern ill if Pure White and Deadly is accurate. The fact the book was repressed seems to prove some pretty powerful people are keen to avoid us knowing just how bad sugar is. Still, it's damn hard to drink coffee without sugar and avoid the stuff when it's hidden in so many foods!
Interesting post. I have 1/2 tspn honey in my mugs of tea. Since starting this WOE my honey consumption has reduced but I am with everyone who feels if you want to enjoy your cuppa i suggest use a bit of honey & count it in
I can use a liquid stevia purchased from supermarket &. agave syrup is another low gi natural alternative. My mini trial is that if you must sweeten you can't beat that wonderous work of bees and a little honey does the trick. I also find herbal teas like freshly chopped lemongrass & peppermint help out on fast days
Man up, girls, it can be done.

From an EX two sugar, milky coffee drinking lover.
It's training, ladies, like 5 2.
No sugar is the way to go...

Man up...
Hi pennyforthem
I' m a girl who likes bees and no pressure
It might just take some of us longer to get to where we need to be
Erm.... took me a few years (cough, hiccup, blink... like about 4!)
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