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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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I'd like to be free of having to sweeten things but I am trying
This is a discipline so do understand what you meant so hope I can achieve it like you pennyforthem
I don't like sugar in my drinks for the most part. However, on feed days, I sometimes have a cup of tea with soy milk and honey. My guess is that if you get used to drinking your coffee and tea without sugar, you will start to like it that way. Give it a go!
I have found it hard to completely give up sugar in my 8-10 cups of instant coffee a day. What I have done is reduce it down from 3 level teaspoons per cup to one, and telling myself it's that or none at all!!
In order to make fasting days easier, and perhaps to make up for being so feeble on fasting days, I have kept to the one teaspoon per cup during non-fasting days. I have, in the past tried Xylitol, but it gave me the runs.
However I am finding that on 5:2 my cycle of having "the runs" every 5-6 days has disappeared and I now am leaning more the other way, so maybe the Xylitol will balance things out. I shall experiment til I get it right.
You have my sympathy on the sugar though. My God I loved my first cup of sweet milky coffee of the morning.
Going to be a contrarian here.

I have a massively sweet tooth. Love my sugar, both in drinks and deserts. And I fully understand this vice is major flaw in my aim to lose weight. However, it is one of my indulgences that I would like to keep as a treat.

On saying that, it does create a problem on fast days. I rely on coffee to tide me over until dinner, and I usually have my coffee strong and sweet.

Since starting the diet, I have moved to stevia on fast days. The sweetness level I use is way less than I would tolerate and I am wondering if I do need the stevia since I can barely taste it. Not 100% enthused about it, but I get a hot beverage. Learning to accept black coffee.

I still have sugar on feast days. However, recently, I suspect my sweet tooth is no longer as tolerant as it used to be. Had a tea made fir me on the weekend to my normal level of sweetness and found the sweet taste too over powering. I suspect over time, I will still have a sweet tooth, but perhaps not as sweet :)
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