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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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I weigh myself daily just to see how things are going, and then record them weekly (and monthly) on this site & mfp :grin: Daily weight fluctuates and weekly weigh is disappearing..... moving a bit like a snail but at least it's moving :grin:
I usually weigh-in once a week first thing on a Monday morning (fasting Mondays & Thursdays). If I'm away from home on a Monday I don't weigh-in. When I leave it a few weeks I always seem to lose less weight overall than if I weigh each week. In my case I'm fairly sure that's because without the weekly check I start going a bit hell-for-leather on the feed days. Normally if I have a week when I don't lose much I still eat what a want to on feed days but perhaps a piece of cake once or twice a week rather than every day... I just find the weekly weigh-in keeps me mindful of food generally. But I am not a person who is obsessed by scales and I never feel tempted to weigh myself more often as I know how much my weight fluctuates.
Confession time - in the past, if I have weighed myself and lost weight, I then reward myself with something chocolate based!! I do not have access to scales to weigh myself and so it is important for me to gauge how I am doing by the looseness of the clothes I wear. I rely on visiting a friend who has scales in her home, so the next weigh in for me will be 15th May.
I have to admit I am obsessed by the scales! I weigh myself every morning and most nights - as the scales are outside my shower cubicle so it is all to easy to hop on when I get home from the gym in an evening! My weight has alwasys fluctuated but since doing this since the end of January I have pretty much stayed the same. Maybe 1lb up or down but nothing drastic - despite some pretty big weekends out. I don't think I could cope with once a month as redhead states, if this was a 'heavy' weigh in it would ruin the month for me...!!
I weigh once a month only, been to that bad place where scales/diets rule everything and don't want to go back !
I really couldn't go a month not knowing how I was progressing. Personally I need to know one way or the it a boost of confidence or a reality check? I do try to keep to once a week but find myself having a sneaky peak more often!!!!!!!
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