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Are there any folks who only weigh themselves just once a month?

I'm worried I may 'fall off the wagon' if I tried this, but find that currently I'm obsessing about all things 5:2 and to the detriment of doing other things :smile:
Scales are difficult masters!! I would like to weigh myself only once a month, but I'm a bit too obsessive for that myself. So I have a rule that I may only weigh myself on a fast day, before I've eaten or drunk anything. Since I usually have a cup of coffee before I remember the "rule", that means I don't weigh myself often ;-)
Tracieknits wrote: Scales are difficult masters!! I would like to weigh myself only once a month, but I'm a bit too obsessive for that myself. So I have a rule that I may only weigh myself on a fast day, before I've eaten or drunk anything. Since I usually have a cup of coffee before I remember the "rule", that means I don't weigh myself often ;-)

I started off weighing on the first feed day following the second fast day (if you see what I mean :smile: ) which for me is Friday morning. I avoid weighing on Feed days, but have started weighing on the morning after every fast day.

There's a lot that has been said here abouts, about the various factors that may make even weekly weighing 'inaccurate', so I was also wondering whether weighing just monthly would show the trend better without those variances.
i weigh the morning after every fast, i would love to only do it once a month, but i think that will be a goal reached in the future
I have always been too obsessed with the scales but as of this month am only going to weigh once a month along with this forum. It has made me feel much less pressured and helping with my attitude to food that has been badly damaged due to years of weight watchers. My next weigh in will be in May.
I'm going to weigh in monthly as I find the scales completely demoralising .... my weight fluctuates so much it is not worth it - I'm new to this 'diet' and would like to see if really making a difference and I think the best way for me to do that is weigh and measure monthly - fingers crossed
I too rarely weigh myself. I try on a tight skirt periodically to see if it fits any better. AFter all it's inches that count not weight, as far as I'm concerned.
OK - I'm in. For all the above reasons I need to put the scales away. I will go for once a month starting Saturday. (It will be day after fast day)
I've gone back to almost daily weigh-in first thing in the morning, because when the scales show a new low it gives me a boost, and when the reading has gone up a bit I'm mindful of what I eat that day. I tried putting the scales away for a month, but I found I couldn't break the habit of a lifetime and after a couple of weeks gave in to my cravings! I only record my weight monthly, though. I also weigh myself 3 times and take the lowest reading :rotfl:
I'm loosing really slowly so I think only weighing once a month can be deceptive - I appeared to lose nothing between the forum monthly weigh ins in February and March because the Feb weigh in date was at the low point of my up/down cycle, and March was the high point. If I look my daily weights for that month I see a steady downward trend. I need to see that trend to keep me going. Obviously if you lose more in a month than the daily fluctuation cycle (around 2kg in my case) then monthly weigh ins are a good monitor.
I spent alot of time thinking about this. I started out thinking I wouldn't weigh in at all. In the end I decided to weigh in once a week. I don't own scales, I go to the health clinic at work, where the nurses are very supportive (they just know I'm dieting, not the specifics). I think once a month would cause me more worry for the very reason stated above. I always weigh on the morning after a fast day. I don't think it's cheating, because I always do it, and it's the amount lost that I am concerned about at this point anyway. I am a former anorexic (I know, hard to believe). I have owned a scale since then but I get obsessive about it far too easily. I get very anxious for people here who mention weighing themselves more than once a week. At that frequency, the numbers are meaningless, particularly on this diet. In the end, though, I opted to weigh myself weekly because I wanted to see the number go down...
I'm a monthly weigher after not having scales for years. They live under a stool out of sight so I have to make an effort to get them out. I've managed to miss the monthly weigh in this month as I was working away, and after thinking about it, I'll hold off until the next weigh in before I step on the 'devil's number show machine' again.
I measure and have also missed the usual day for that and will probably do it before the next scheduled one. I feel good, my clothes are getting looser- work/show trousers are getting to the in danger of falling down stage so I know it's working.
I think if I was weighing more regularly I would have to do one of the tracker things that show a graph and would end up obsessing. This way suits me.
'I am a monthly weigher'..... sounds like stating I'm an alcoholic doesn't it!
I have hidden the scales away and will be weighing on 25th of each month.
I had one blip though as the doctor had to weigh me for a check-up and although I didn't want to look - I was too tempted.
But I haven't got my own scales out from their hiding place at all.
I don't actually like weighing all the time as I think you can get too obsessed about the ups and downs, and it is too much like a diet. I want this just to be a way of life, and I wouldn't be weighing myself all the time if I wasn't dieting.
My name is Jane I am a 5:2er and I weigh monthly! heheheh
I can see how weighing in less often would avoid loss of motivation because most daily weigh in charts show a very up and down wavy line. I know I gain after the weekend and then lose it again (plus usually about a pound more) by Friday again.

I think if you only weigh in once a month you should chose as consistent a day as possible - eg day after second fast of the week each time. And experiment to find your 'lowest point day'. Some find it's two days after the second fast and so on. It would be awful to spend the next month thinking you hadn't lost weight just because you weighed in on a 'heavier' day rather than at your lowest point.
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