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Calories & Portion Sizes
16 Apr 2013, 19:04
Hello to everyone!

I have just completed my third fast and after a terrible weekend managed to lose 1lb, which I was really pleased about (it really was a miracle!). As you seasoned dieters know, it's previously been all about portion control but my question is this, does anyone else get a bit worried about the absolutely massive portions that you can have with vegetables even though you've worked out the calories and you know it's well within your limits? My head just can't seem to wrap itself around the huge portion size and the worry that I'm getting it all wrong and my portions "should" be smaller!

Look forward to getting your opinions! :heart:
Re: Calories & Portion Sizes
16 Apr 2013, 20:08
Hi there tattooedbride and welcome!

It is amazing how much veg you can have isn't it? I actually worry more about how much oil I used to do the stir frying as a bit too much can make a big difference! I often can't eat all the veggies as I get too full.
Re: Calories & Portion Sizes
16 Apr 2013, 20:14
I know exactly that feeling, I had to have a rest before I finished my plate ;)
Re: Calories & Portion Sizes
16 Apr 2013, 20:19
I'm known as "the goat" (yeah, I know, not very nice) because I was always eating many vegetables. During summer most of my meals are salad. Being used in eating vegetables all the time, I feel that they should have less calories than they do!
100 grams of peas can't have 66 calories, that's waaayyyy too much, LOL!!!
Re: Calories & Portion Sizes
16 Apr 2013, 20:45
I ate 100g of cabbage the other day, it's amazing how large that really is!
Re: Calories & Portion Sizes
16 Apr 2013, 20:47
Tattooedbride79 wrote: I ate 100g of cabbage the other day, it's amazing how large that really is!

It really is. I'm constantly amazed. I'm also amazed at how much I like a big plate of steamed greens with lemon juice, salt and pepper. SO good.
Re: Calories & Portion Sizes
16 Apr 2013, 20:55
I have started loading up on vegetables and green salad. I like to eat a lot and stuff myself. I'm doing that with healthy foods now, not cookies and chocolate. Hopefully, the results will be positive. (Or shall I say, negative...)
Re: Calories & Portion Sizes
01 May 2013, 13:02
The large portion sizes are a problem for me. I've had to give up on finishing and save the rest for later, and I've forced myself to eat past the point of being full, resulting in a stomach ache.

I'm still new at fasting, so I'm sure it'll get easier with time, when I learn what's practical and sustainable for me.

What I've learned so far:

I should aim for at least 46 grams of protein and 15 grams of fat. The vegetables and fruit needed to make up the rest of my calories are still well over half a kg, but a more manageable portion.

I should steam or fry most of my vegetables to make them less bulky and easier on the digestion.

Today is my sixth fast, and it's been markedly easier eating what I've decided eat today. I don't know how much is better distribution of proteins, fat and carbs and how much is simply getting used to large portions.

How large a portion of vegetables+fruit do other people eat in one sitting when fasting?
Re: Calories & Portion Sizes
01 May 2013, 18:16
I never thought I would struggle with a big plate full of food, and I LOVE vegetables, but I did on the first few fast days. Now I have more protein (meat/fish/pulses) than before, allow myself some fat if it fits with the meal, and still have a very substantial portion of greens and other good stuff. I felt a lot better for reducing the bulk last week.
Re: Calories & Portion Sizes
01 May 2013, 18:26
I was brought up on home grown vegetables and so they have always been a priority, but even I cannot eat that many! I am trying to increase the amount of protein I eat (I only eat chicken) and don't eat pasta and rarely eat bread or potatoes. My stomach has certainly shrunk over the past four weeks. Mind you, it makes me feel good to sit down to a full plate of food and veggies can be make the meal look colourful.
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