Hi Esmeralda, sorry to hear things aren't going so well but you are sticking with it and you know what your problem is.
This month I haven't lost any weight so far (1lb on, 1lb off) and I know in my head I have reached a psychological barrier - 'I'm never going to succeed'. I know that what I'm eating on feed days is slowly creeping up. I'm going to have a well deserved restful weekend and then on Monday for the fist time ever I'm going to fast without any food at all! The other two things I want to do it cut out/reduce snacks and not eat after my evening meal. I have so far resisted counting calories and really don't want to have to do it at all.
I hope you get yourself sorted out.
This month I haven't lost any weight so far (1lb on, 1lb off) and I know in my head I have reached a psychological barrier - 'I'm never going to succeed'. I know that what I'm eating on feed days is slowly creeping up. I'm going to have a well deserved restful weekend and then on Monday for the fist time ever I'm going to fast without any food at all! The other two things I want to do it cut out/reduce snacks and not eat after my evening meal. I have so far resisted counting calories and really don't want to have to do it at all.
I hope you get yourself sorted out.